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WOW! I'm Turning 50!

I still can't believe it! I'm turning 50 and it is a major milestone. As most people know, I was 29 for most of my adult life until I stopped being carded for alcohol at age 45. That was a very hard year of adjustment, but 50 is huge. Most of my milestone birthdays were significant because they marked entry into a new decade of my life. I absolutely love to celebrate my birthdays but especially the milestones. I love me and I'm so happy that I was born, especially that I was born on Mardi Gras Day and that needs to be celebrated.

As milestone birthdays go, 21 was a huge milestone. My girlfriend and I went to New Orleans for the weekend. It was a amazing because our goal was to not spend a dime, because it was my birthday. We made it happen, with a LOT of flirting but we were still good girls. For free drinks, I had to sing on stage at Cat's Meow and drink shots on stage. Done! At 30, I went Skydiving with my Dad. He was celebrating his 50th, so cool. My 40th birthday was memorable because it was my last time that I rode in the Mardi Gras, after 10 years, in Mobile, Alabama with the Order of La She's. It was great because we always celebrated my birthday, but this was for the last time with them. My favorite football teams, Alabama Crimson Tide and New Orleans Saints won the Championships. I had an awesome party at an Atlanta club with my still close friends, and I went on a Jimmy Buffet Parrot Head cruise that I will never forget. It was the funnest cruise and I met some wonderful people on the cruise that I still chat with.

Now I am turning 50, the Great Divide, the line between young and old. Ugh! I don't feel old. I feel like I'm still 25 but I have lived a half a century. I don't think I've waisted any years as I've seen so many beautiful places, experienced amazing highs, like meeting the love of my life, ordering a new passport, and using it. I've also had terrible lows, like losing friends and family, being attacked, and experiencing a divorce. I can say so far that my Journey of Life has been pretty full but I wouldn't change anything. Every mistake I made, I learned from and my journey has brought me directly where I sit today, on a catamran in the Bahamas.

I have been celebrating friends' 50th birthdays for a few years and seeing each day as my high school mates are now hitting 50. It's fun to see how each one celebrates entering into this new territory of life. Some are excited and some are not. It's a scary birthday because we are entering into the ‘Second Half’ of life and the next milestone is 60, then 70, then 80 up to 100. I am looking forward to celebrating my 100th birthday. I want to be on TV, maybe the Today Show, as sassy as ever, with my red lipstick, of course.

As I turn 50, I feel like I'm at the peak of my maturity but still youthful, attractive, vibrant, fun, full of ambition and adventure. Luckily, I changed my entire life when I started going through perimenopausal changes at 40 and I amazingly was able to stop all the changes and I have not started menopause, so I'm sure that this has a huge effect on how I feel. But, I want my Fifties to be Fabulous, so I am going to do a series of ways that I can make the 'Second Half' of life spectacular. This will be ways to care for body, mind and soul. So, follow me on my journey of Fifty and Fabulous!


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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