Sometimes, when we need it the most, angels come into our lives. They may be a person or an animal. Just someone to comfort us when we need a big hug.

I'm Jacqui and my Mom passed May 6, 2021 and my Daddy passed October 14, 2021. I was so very blessed to have been given the opportunity to take care of my Mom and Dad until they went onto their next journey. But, I'm so heart broken, lost, sad, and more than anything, I wish I could hear their voices.

I've actually just been trying to keep myself together and not fall apart. It has so been very, very hard to move on since Mom and Daddy passed, but I've been doing it, one adventure at a time. That's what we have to do right, just keep moving one day at a time, one step at a time, one small laugh at a time.

Well, I'm going to tell you that I had an entire day to myself on the Alaskan Cruise. I told Mike that I needed some me time, and he is so wonderful, he just kissed me and said I can have whatever I need. I cried the entire day. Good stuff!!! ❤️

You see, I was really missing Mom and Daddy and I was talking to Mom, as I do everyday, and I told her I needed some help. I was feeling so down and lost. As I started walking to get some air, I met three women. I saw them dancing and celebrating life earlier on the dance floor. We began talking, and they were three sisters from South Dakota, and they lost their parents as well last year. Their parents were in their 90s, they lived so much longer than my parents. What a blessing!

But the beautiful sisters and I started really talking, and you could not imagine how us four girls, from as far away as South Dakota and Alabama, would have so much in common. We talked and talked and I told them that Mom brought them to me. And they said, what if your Mom brought you to us. They were on this cruise together to celebrate their parents, and were trying to find their way back too. 😭❤️😇 I called them my three angels because in that small moment in time, I felt pure love. When they hugged me, I felt happy. Thank you so much for this beautiful gift.

I miss Mom and Daddy so much, but I know they were with me and Mike in Alaska.

I know without a doubt that they are with me, listening to me, guiding me, protecting me, and giving me their love.

Life is so very short, we need to live life to the fullest and if I can inspire someone to embrace life, then that makes me happy. Remember, when strangers come into our lives, it's for a reason. They are angels or sent by angels to help us on our journey to find love, to help us heal, and to soothe our soul.
