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This Year's Theme Song - Holiday

We Found Our Theme Song for this year! We all need a theme song to make us feel really good and happy. Our this year is Holiday - I Can't Believe This Is My Real Life . We found it while floating tin the clear blue water of the Bahamas. We are totally Living Our Dreams! We have been in the Bahamas for the sailing season and we are so in love with our lives. Follow your dreams and get a theme song.

I collect theme songs for working out, or when Mike and I get in an argument, or when I go into cooking mode. One of my all time favorites, that I listen to at least three times a week, is Irene Cara's "What a Feeling" from the movie "Flashdance". I love this song so much and it puts me in an all out love my life and my work mode. We all want to take our passion and make it happen! Right?

I believe that having a theme song keeps us focused. When we get the right theme song for where we are in life, or what we’re working towards, it can help us stay focused on the goal. I even choose one every year or more often then that, when I am feeling something. Right now I feeling extremely grateful and accomplished in my relationship with Mike, our beautiful path in life that we are choosing to take, and our exciting future.

Do you know that when Mike and I broke up, for the last time, ha, my theme song was Patsy Cline, Crazy I listened to it over an over for nearly thirty days. I gave myself a month to grieve our broken relationship. I knew I lost my soul mate, I knew I had to go on, but I had to cry it out. Everyday I got stronger. I wouldn't take any of Mike's calls or see him, because that would prolong my heartache. Well day 28, he comes knocking on my door, in the middle of the Atlanta Snowmageddon, with groceries in hand. He said he was so worried about me not having any food. Sweet. Needless to say, we've been together ever since. That was ten years ago. But that theme song helped me keep my wits.

Another theme song that I've had in the past is Stronger, Britney Spears. This is a great song for rebuilding my life when I needed it.

My all time favorite theme song that I listen to everyday is Bon Jovi - It's My Life !


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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