Sanskrit Name - Vasudha
Need - To express
Main Focus - Self expression and life purpose
Location - The center of the neck at the level of the throat
Color - Blue
Element - Sound
Sense - Hearing
Food Type - Fruit
Meaning -
Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life.
When most people talk about unhealthy throat chakra, they’re referring to “blocked” or deficient chakras that restrict energy flow but they can also have too much energy and become overactive. The best way to tell if you need a sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations.
The Throat chakra, the fifth chakr, is the passage of the energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. The function of the Throat chakra is driven by the principle of expression and communication. This chakra is related to the element of sound. Through the throat, sound is propagated into the air and its vibration can be felt not just in our ears, but also in our whole body. It is an important instrument of communication and expression.
The Throat chakra is associated to the pharyngeal and brachial plexi and is connected to the mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx and palate. It’s is also linked to the shoulders and the neck. The gland associated with the fifth chakra is the thyroid, which regulates the processing of energy in the body through temperature, growth, and in large parts, metabolism.
Balanced -
When you have a clear, strong, and harmonious throat chakra, you will feel self-confident in your ability to express your thoughts and feelings clearly. You will be open, fluent, honest, and unafraid to share how you truly feel. Respect and authenticity will come to define your interactions with others, and you will freely share your truth no matter what the cost. When you need guidance, you will trust the inner voice of your Soul as your ultimate Teacher.
As a result of cleansing your throat chakra, you will experience more clarity, trust, joy, and freedom as a result of being able to communicate with confidence.
Unbalanced -
An imbalance in the throat chakra will result in shyness, inability to express your thoughts, and secrecy, stubbornness, hostile communication, and a tendency to be socially overbearing.
Questions To Ask Yourself -
Do you find it hard to express your emotions in a healthy way?
Do you feel nervous when trying to share your opinions?
Do you struggle with miscommunication in your relationships?
Are you in a relationship that doesn’t allow you to voice your thoughts?
Do you find it difficult to be honest with yourself and others?
Seed Sound -
Chant “HAM”
This sound matches the vibration of the solar plexus chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “Haaaaaammmmmmmmm.”
Eat fruits -
Eat blueberries, blackberries, blue grapes, currants, kiwifruit, apples, grapefruit, lemons, pears, plums, peaches, figs, and apricots.
Stones -
Use crystals as energetic totems that will help you balance your throat chakra energy. Try meditating or carrying crystals such as blue kyanite,larimar, tanzanite, azurite, aquamarine, and lapis lazuli.
Clothes -
Wear blue
Essential Oils -
Use oils such as frankincense, ylang-ylang, neroli, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, and myrrh.
Affirmations -
Open your throat chakra by repeating meaningful phrases that reprogram the unconscious mind. Choose an affirmation such as, “I speak my truth freely and openly”, “Being honest will free me from my current situation”, “I alone am accountable for expressing myself clearly”, “I am safe and trust others to allow me to express myself truthfully”
Binaural beats are a form of music healing therapy which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. YouTube has a great variety of binaural beats videos. Listen with headsets.
Journal your thoughts
If you struggle with verbalizing your thoughts and feelings, try to record them in a private journal. Make a daily practice of recording how you feel, and don’t worry about things such as grammar or sentence structure. Let your thoughts and feelings flow freely through your pen or keyboard.
Breathe into your stomach
Speaking too quickly and impulsively, or not at all, are both signs that your throat chakra is imbalanced. In order to ground yourself, breathe deeply into your stomach so that it expands gently. Focus on this sensation and allow it to center your energy. Not only does deep breathing calm you, but it also helps you to develop confidence.
Listen carefully
Do you find yourself struggling with dominating conversations and ignoring other people. Practice breathing into your belly and listening carefully to what the other person is saying. Remember to observe their body language because sometimes a person’s words don’t match the energy they’re transmitting. To show that you’re listening, nod, make small comments and repeat back to them what they’re saying.
Screaming and laughing catharsis
Catharsis is a powerful energy releasing technique which will help you purify your throat chakra. A lot of stagnant energy tends to build in our bodies when we can’t communicate clearly. Release your frustration through laughing or screaming. Watch a funny video or scream into your pillow. When practiced regularly, both of these practices will help you to feel more confident expressing yourself in a healthy way.
Singing is a beautiful way to gently open the throat chakra. If you feel self-conscious, sing to yourself quietly away from other people. Listen to music or watch a movie that makes you want to sing.
Drink pure water
Pure and clean water is essential for your throat chakra health. Most tap water is polluted with contaminants such as fluoride and chlorine, consider investing in a water filter or buy spring water.
Find your happiness