The Omni Grove Park Inn

The Omni Grove Park Inn is a historic resort hotel on the western-facing slope of Sunset Mountain within the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was built by Edwin Wiley Grove, owner of the Tasteless Chill Tonic. In the late 1890s, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic sold more bottles than Coca-Cola. Grove arrived in Asheville in 1900 and found the mild climate so much to his liking that he purchased a large tract of land on Sunset Mountain. Grove's idea was for a lodge grand enough to match the grandeur of the surrounding mountains. When Grove could not find a local architect who grasped his concept, he entrusted the project to his son-in-law Fred Loring Seely, who had no formal training in architecture or the building trades. Seely designed a magnificent lodge which was built of native uncut granite boulders quarried from Sunset Mountain.