We are told to drink more water to clean out the toxins and flush our bodies. The problem with this, is that we should only drink pure water so we can actually think clearly and speak for ourselves.

Let’s jump down a rabbit hole. Hold on, this is going to be bumpy!
BASF Chemical Company, currently the largest chemical producer in the world, had a fertilizer silo in Oppau exploded, killing at least 550 people.
Degussa and I.G. Farben boardmembers worked together with scientist Heerdt who invented the new Zyklon B, which is Hydrogen cyanide, it’s a poisonous gas that interferes with cellular respiration and will kill a person within two minutes.
The companies BASF, Bayer, Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft, Agfa-Gevaert Group, and Cassella AG founded IG Farben, AKA Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie. It began as a complex merger of German manufacturers of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and dyestuffs.
The member companies remained independent, while dividing production and markets and sharing information.
After WWI, Germany would be loaned about $200 million, primarily through Wall Street bond issues in the United States.
The bond issues were overseen by consortium of American investment banks, led by J.P. Morgan & Co. under the supervision of the US State Department.
Later American bankers began to arrange foreign loans.
Legal and fiscal negotiations were created and the assets of all member companies were merge and all stock was being exchanged for BASF shares.
BASF changed its name to IG Farbenindustrie AG and the headquarters were set up in Frankfurt, Germany.
More than one hundred major American corporations had subsidiaries or co-operative understandings with IG Farben.
I.G. Farben borrowed 500 tons of tetra-ethyl lead, the gasoline additive, from Standard Oil.
Sarin, the “weapon of mass destruction”, was made by IG Farben scientists in their attempt to create stronger pesticides. It is the most toxic of the four G-Series nerve agents made in Germany. Sodium fluoride, Potassium fluoride, Hydrogen fluoride, and Ammonium bifluoride are chemicals used in the making of fluorinated chemical weapons.
Germany invaded Austria and Poland, the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey loaned I.G. Farben US $20,000,000 worth of high-grade gasoline.
American Aluminium Company (Alcoa), the world's largest producer of sodium fluoride as a byproduct of their product aluminum, transferred its technology to Germany.
The Dow Chemical Company transmitted its experience and technology
Germany's two largest tank manufacturers were Opal, a subsidiary of General Motors (J.P. Morgan), and the German subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company.
I.G. Farben developed plans during the war to fluoridate the occupied countries because it was found that fluoridation caused calcification to the pineal gland, making it more difficult for the people affected to defend their freedom and causing people to become more docile towards authority. Fluoride remains one of the strongest anti-psychotic substances known, and is contained in twenty-five percent of the major tranquilizers.
The “Dental Caries Prevention” originated in the United States when a scientist named Gerald J. Cox, employed by American Aluminium Company, (ALCOA), the largest producer of toxic fluoride waste, fluoridated some lab rats and concluded that fluoride reduces cavities and claimed that it should be added to the nation’s water supplies. A scientist for the aluminum company, not a doctor or a dentist.
I.G. Farben partnered with Degussa and sold the Zyklon B, the deadly cyanide-based extermination gas that was lethally unvalved on inmates of Auschwitz Bitterfeld, Walfen, Hoechst, Agfa, Ludwigshafen and Buchenwald.
The US government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take over the I.G. Farben chemical plants.
The German chemists explained to Perkins about their attempt to control the population through the mass medication of drinking water with sodium fluoride. This was used in German and Russian prisoner of war camps to control the masses and to make prisoners “stupid and docile”.
Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first city in the world to fluoridate its drinking water to prevent tooth decay. This was an experimental city ordered by the US Government.
Oscar R. Ewing, a long time American Aluminium Company, (ALCOA) lawyer, was appointed head of the Federal Security Agency and in charge of the Public Health Service.
Fluoridation became an official policy of the U.S. Public Health Service
Fluoride levels in the United States were lowered for the first time in 50 years, to the minimum recommended levels of 0.7ppm, because too much fluoride exposure has become a common issue for children teeth, visible in the form of white splotches.
64% of the U.S. population are getting water that has fluoride at or above recommended levels.
U.S. has regulations for bottled water companies to not require disclosing fluoride content.
We can see children’s teeth reacting to excessive exposure of fluoride. We can see the brown and discolored splotches that are the telltale signs of fluorosis. But what about parts of our bodies that we can’t see? Excessive exposure, but what is excessive exposure? I drink water all day long and I use toothpaste and mouthwash. I stopped drinking tap water when I found out that fluoride in tap water with a combination with exposure to fluoride from other sources, like toothpaste can give rise to a number of adverse effects which include teeth decay, osteoporosis, kidney malfunctions, failing reproductive organs, nerve disorders, muscle disorders, thyroid gland malfunction, endocrine disruptor, insulin resistance, decreased estrogen and testosterone levels, and skeletal fluorosis.
It's not just the water either. Sodas, juices, sports drinks, beers, and many other processed foods now have elevated fluoride levels.
Here are some of the other countries in the world that have much of their population drinking fluoridated water: Australia 80%, Brunei 95%; Chile 70%, Guyana 62%, Hong Kong 100%, the Irish Republic 73%, Canada 40%, Israel 70%, Panama 15%, Fiji 36%, Malaysia 75%, New Zealand 62%, Singapore 100%, and the United States 64%. The list goes on but scientist have found no difference in tooth decay between nations that fluoridate their water and those that do not.
It’s interesting that when I visited Canada last year, a local told me that they had just started eliminating fluoride from the larger provinces because of the protest from the citizens. U.S. citizens protested and the government just lowered the level.
So what kind of water to drink?
Distilled water is sometimes tap water that is boiled and evaporated away from its dissolved minerals. The water then becomes acidic and seeks to balance itself by drawing minerals out of your body. Unfortunately fluoride doesn’t evaporate easily so it’s still in the distilled water.
Spring water is living water that comes from springs or underground formations from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Now, it is less filtered so it has more minerals. Natural spring water is good because they could still be putting fluoride in the bottles at the store.
Reverse Osmosis Filter removes chlorine, inorganic, and organic contaminants in water and will remove about 80 percent of the fluoride.
If you don’t have access to a RO filter or Spring water, try Whole Foods or health grocery centers like it. They have a RO filters there and glass bottles. Drink up so you can think and speak up for yourself.