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The Crown Chakra

Sanskrit Name - Sahasrara

Need - To know

Main Focus - Wisdom

Location - The very top of the head

Color - Violet

Element - Thought

Sense - Beyond senses

Food Type - Fasting

Meaning -

Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life.

When most people talk about unhealthy crown chakra, they’re referring to “blocked” or deficient chakras that restrict energy flow but they can also have too much energy and become overactive. The best way to tell if you need a sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations.

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and it gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. The function of the Crown chakra is driven by consciousness and gets us in touch with the universe.

Balanced -

When our crown chakra is balanced, we feel connected to our Higher Self, can easily access our inner wisdom, feel connected to others and life, can see the bigger picture, and feel a sense of serenity and wholeness despite what is happening around us.

Unbalanced -

An imbalance in the crown chakra results in depression, a sense of alienation or disconnection from life, and a lack of empathy.

Questions To Ask Yourself -

Do you lack care and compassion towards others?

Do you have insomnia and nightmares?

Do you have a spiritual disconnection?

Do you have a rigid and limiting self-identity


Seed Sound -

Chant “OM”

This sound matches the vibration of the solar plexus chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “Oooooooommmmmmmmm.”

Eat nothing -

Try Intermittent fasting or a water fast for a day or two to detox and clear your mind.

Stones -

Use crystals as energetic totems that will help you balance your crown chakra energy. Try meditating or carrying crystals such as selenite, danburite, charoite, labradorite, amethyst, and nuummite.

Clothes -

Wear Violet

Essential Oils -

Use oils such as frankincense, myrth, and violet.

Affirmations -

Every day, infuse your mind with supportive and loving affirmations “I accept myself completely,” “I am free of limiting beliefs,” “I am connected,” “I am at peace,” “I am divinely supported,” “I honor the divine within me,” “I trust my intuition,” “I embrace letting go,” “I listen to the Universe.”

Binaural beats are a form of music healing therapy which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. YouTube has a great variety of binaural beats videos. Listen with headsets.

Energy Work

Any type of energy healing is a good way to improve the health of your crown chakra. Examples include yoga, meditation, acupuncture, acupressure, andmassage.

Educate yourself

Open your crown chakra by expanding your mind by reading books, watching videos, and listen to podcasts on a range of topics to do with self-growth. Identify any areas of ignorance or prejudice that you might possess and deepen your education in these areas. The wise philosopher Socrates once said, “the more I learn, the less I realize I know.”

Simplify your surroundings

Minimise your life by reducing the clutter. An excess of belongings and mess has been proven to create mental and emotional distress. Go through your house and create three piles of belongings: those you want to keep, those you want to donate, and those you want to throw away. By cleaning and simplifying your surroundings, you’re also creating the same kind of purification within.

Commit yourself to your own spiritual practice

No one can build a strong connection to Spirit but you. One of the simplest ways of creating your own spiritual practice is by designating a small corner of your house to your daily spiritual practice. You might like to create a personal altar in which you put meaningful objects such as candles, books, stones, oils, incense, and so forth. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to create this space, simply take whatever you have already around the house that is significant to you, and place it in this space.

Practice the power of prayer

Prayer doesn’t have to be religious. You can pray to whatever or whomever you believe in, whether that be your Spirit Guides, Ancestors, God/Goddess, Universe, Life, Spirit, or Soul. Prayer is very simple but also extremely beneficial. The gratitude we feel when we give thanks has numerous health benefits. Prayer also creates an energetic bridge between you and your crown chakra. The more you pray, the more your crown chakra is opened to the Eternal. In a way, prayer can be perceived as the key that opens the door to higher consciousness.

Be open to guidance

Look signs of communication from the Universe. Guidance is happening all around you all the time, but you just need to be open to it. Cynicism severs the connection between your mind, body, soul, and surroundings. Give the benefit of the doubt. Question your preconceived notions and be courageous enough to actively seek and pay attention to help when it comes. Take each day as an opportunity to look out for the help that the Universe is sharing with you. Many times this is numbers, dreams, words or even people.

Crown chakra visualization

Imagine a swirling ball of luminescent violet light in your crown chakra area. Feel the ball of violet energy dissolving all blockages, sluggishness, or aggressive flows of energy within you.

Find your happiness

Daily guide


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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