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The Courage To Change Your Life

We all want to be successful and have great a great life. Yet most of us simply haven’t created the successful life we want.

What exactly are we looking for, money, romance, success or love? Greatness exists in all of us and we have to pull it out of ourselves. The truth is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of our lives and that is us. Everything that happens to us is a direct result of us doing or not doing. We have to make decisions everyday about our future and if we don’t know what we want, our lives can take us completely in the wrong direction. Sometime we can get off course but it’s our responsibility to get back on course. Just like GPS, when we miss a turn, we get redirected. How can we get redirected in our lives if we don’t know where we’re going? Imagine your life and dreams as a destination and it needs to be put in the GPS, where do you want to go and be in a year?

Successful people take full responsibility for the thoughts they think, the images they visualize, and the actions they take. They don’t waste their time and energy blaming and complaining. They evaluate their life and decide if they need to change or not. They face the uncomfortable and take risks in order to create the life they want to live.

Put The Goals Is The GPS

We are all born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging and honoring this purpose is the hardest decision. It’s hard to make a decision that may go against society’s expectations or a goal that goes against the beliefs you were raised to believe. It’s time to understand what we’re here to do, and pursue that purpose with enthusiasm.

Do you know what you’re supposed to be doing? Many people don’t because we are taught to seek a certain type of lifestyle and when that lifestyle doesn’t make us happy, we’re lost. You know what I mean, I was just like this once, really busy with career and life but unsatisfied and unfulfilled. I was a full time Property Manager and a Part Time Realtor and I was physically tired, spiritually drained, and far from where I wanted to be. I was doing what I was told to do, I excelled in two careers, and was reaching the American dream but I was unhappy. I wasn’t fulfilling my purpose, to help people. I’ve always wanted to help people but didn’t know how I could.

You see, we have to clearly map out what we want and then take the steps to get there. Rather than reaching for my goals and dreams, I was going through the motions day in and day out tackling tasks that was helping someone else reach their goals and dreams. I was growing increasingly uninspired and out of touch with who I was.

One of the main reasons why most people don’t get what they want is they haven’t decided what they want. I knew I wanted to help people but I had not defined my desires in clear detail and in writing. It was many years after starting my life over that I found my way. I had to find what success was to me. Everyone’s definition of success is different and I had to find out what mine was. I was gifted the movie ‘The Secret - Law of Attraction’, but now it's on Netflix. This movie changed my life. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I wanted to change my life and it happened.

After watching the movie at least ten times, I immediately created a vision board, started dreaming big, focusing on what I wanted, found my dreams and made them goals by writing them down on the vision board. Then my subconscious, creative mind started coming up with big ideas to make my goals become a reality. I started attracting the people, resources, and opportunities I needed because I finally knew where I wanted to go. The people that came into my life helped me figure out plans to reach my goals and gave me the courage to do it. The vision board is the GPS.

Believe It Is Possible

Did you know that the mind is such a powerful instrument and it can deliver literally everything we want. We just have to believe that what we want is really possible. If we can imagine that our brain is a mega computer records everything we say, do, act, feel and think then it makes it real. So if we think we’re always in debt, guess what, we’re always going to be in debt. If we think we’re sick, guess what, we’re going to be sick. If we think we are happy and healthy, you got it, we’re going to be happy and healthy. But it’s not enough think it to change things in our lives, we have to believe it.

To give you an example, at the time of watching this movie, I didn’t have my life together. I was driving a BMW that was always in the shop so I had a car note, insurance and a huge monthly repair bill. I was extremely unhappy at work but I was loyal to the company. I was paying so much rent at a Buckhead apartment because I wanted to have a certain lifestyle. I had everything I thought I wanted, a BMW, downtown chic apartment and a great paying job. But I wanted to travel more, to be happy and to be far less stressed out.

After watching ‘The Secret’ I started a vision board with what I truly wanted in my life which was happiness, travel, love, to get out of debt. In order for the vision board to work, the items desired has to be specific so I made details of everything I wanted. I believed in this and focused everyday. This first thing I had to do was to find gratitude in everything I already had. I started to be grateful that I already had a very nice car that I wanted at the time. It was my decision to buy it and I was grateful for it. I was grateful to have a great job with benefits that I had been with for a very long time. I was grateful for my beautiful apartment in an upscale area. Boy, once I started focusing on what I had rather than what I didn’t have, things started changing. Some things took longer than others but my life changed completely.

Out of the blue, I met the man of my dreams. Every detail that I wrote on the vision board is part of my boyfriend. It still amazes me.

My lease in Atlanta was expiring and I was looking to buy a condo, when my boyfriend calls me and asked me if we wanted to take our relationship to the next level and move in together. It took me a while to consider this because of my failed marriage but I believed in me and him so we moved in together. We both were able to save money and pay off bills.

The property I was working at as a Property Manager was up for sale so I forced to make a decision to stay with the current company, go with the new company or change careers. I believed in myself and took a leap of faith and started working from home with various travel companies.

Then one day, on my way to a meeting, my BMW engine started smoking so bad on the interstate because water got into the engine. My car broke down and just stopped working. There was only a small balance due on the car so I negotiated to get out of the loan early. I didn’t have a car loan, insurance, or repairs bills any longer. I was free and worked from home.

However, the working from home was not making the amount of money that I had envisioned so I started a new vision board of new goals. I soon found a great new job close to where I lived but I needed a new car. I put in details on the vision board of what I wanted in the car. Black exterior, beige interior, four doors, sporty etc. I focused on getting a beautiful, inexpensive car. I was lead to Carmax where I gave the list of desired amenities to the my sales agent. I ended up with a beautiful Mercedes Benz that had everything that I wanted. Who would have thought? Right price and I never had one issue with it.

Focus on what you want, write it down, put it on a vision board and look at it every day. Your brain will figure out a way to get it and get you connected to people that will help you make it happen and above all, be grateful for everything that you have.

A Different Outcome Needs A Change In Behavior

We have to be willing to change our behavior if we want a different outcome. We have to be willing to take the risks necessary to get what we want. Once we take the initial step in the right direction, it’s now time to plan more steps to keep moving forward. Isn’t it a great relief to know that we can make our life what we want it to be? Isn’t it wonderful that our successes does not depend on someone else?

Once I got everything that was on the vision board, it was time to move forward again. My boyfriend and I traveled a great deal on vacations and weekends to experience places we’ve never been. We decided that we wanted to have a life of travel. However we made a mistake and focused on how to get there rather than what we wanted. We took a two year detor and started our own company spent a lot of time and money focusing on the business and did very little travel. We took a step back and we watched ‘The Secret’ again and it made us realize the we needed to get redirected to our goal. We were focusing on the wrong thing. We wanted to use multifamily investments as a means to travel rather than just focusing on the travel. Time to start a new vision board. I put down places where I wanted to go and we talked about these places as we had already been there. You would not believe how fast things changed.

I found a new job as a traveling leasing agent and the company allowed me to travel nationwide once I was ready. My boyfriend accepted a new job with one hundred percent travel. The position allowed us to explore new areas of the country. We got to visit 49 states in one year and nearly all of the National Parks. My boyfriend suggested that I focus on what my original goal was, to help people, so I started my own blog, YouTube channel and self published a couple of books on Kindle. I have finally started to reach my life purpose to help people. You have no idea how happy my spirit is when I hear that something I said or wrote helped change someone's life or thought process. This is my calling and I want to help so many more people in the future. I’m getting there and I know it will happen because I believe it will. So my life has completely turned around and it has nothing to do with the American dream and everything to do with my dream and my boyfriend’s dream. We are now debt free, so in love, happy, healthy and doing exactly what we wanted. You can to.

You can reach every one of your goals and change your life. Commit to taking 100% responsibility for your life. Decide what you want and to make changes, one step at a time. Once you start the process you’ll discover it is much easier to get what you want by taking control of your thoughts, your visualizations, and your actions! Without a doubt, start your vision board today.

Looking to change your life and need help starting over from a bad situation? In this 30 Day Diary, you will find how you can heal your soul in a relaxed, easy and healthy manner. This is a step by step guide to find happiness and to become a stronger person.


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