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Super Green Juice with Spirulina and Intermittent Fasting

I love these Super Greens. I specifically love it because it has Spirulina in it.

I used to juice fresh greens and fruits but being on the boat doesn't allow us to use a juicer. I found this great Super Greens at Walmart. I have tried different green juices, but this is my favorite. You can use whatever you like, but I would suggest getting one that has the spirulina in it.

Super Greens

I love this Super Greens so much because of the organic ingredients and it has spirulina which is considered a superfood. It is an easily digestible nutritional supplement, which belongs to a family of blue-green algae and can be taken in a pill or powder form. Spirulina comes from a type of bacteria scientists call cyanobacterium. Spirulina once only grew in the warm alkaline lakes of Africa, Hawaii and Mexico among other places. Spirulina was used centuries ago by the Aztecs according to Spanish records from the conquistadors, it grew in Lake Texcoco, Mexico, where the Aztecs called it tecuilati. European explorers observed locals near Africa's Lake Chad using it as food. In our modern era, spirulina has gained the attention of NASA scientists, who have used it as a wholesome nutritional supplement for astronauts in outer space. Spirulina contains a complete source of protein, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

This is why I think Super Greens with spirulina is so awesome and have been drinking it for the 6 years.

Protein: 50-70 percent of spirulina is made of protein. Spirulina includes a full range of essential (the body is unable to make these) and non-essential (the body can make these) amino acids, which are necessary for the body to make protein molecules.

Carbohydrates: 15-25 percent of spirulina consist of carbohydrates.

Nucleic acids: 5 percent of spirulina consists of nucleic acids, the molecules required to make DNA and RNA.

Vitamins and Minerals:

  • Beta-carotene – beneficial to our skin, eyes and immune system.

  • Iron – Helps prevent anemia in those at risk for iron-deficient anemia.

  • Vitamin K1 and K2 – help the blood to coagulate and help strengthen bones.

  • Calcium – Important for bone strength, heart and skeletal muscle function.

  • Magnesium – helps to prevent heart palpitations and muscle spasms.

  • Zinc- Important for skin health, a strong immune system and memory.

  • Potassium – Crucial for cell-to-cell communication for functioning of our bodies.

  • B vitamins – Important for nerve, brain, and heart health.

  • Folic Acid - Important for nerve health

  • Gamma-linolenic acid – is a healthy omega-6 oil and has anti-inflammatory benefits.

  • Spirulina acts as a prebiotic and helps the growth of other beneficial bacteria in the gut. Spirulina contains chlorophyll, which helps alkalinize (optimize pH levels) the body.


Emergen-C is a vitamin supplement containing high doses of vitamins C, B6 and B12, plus other nutrients like zinc and vitamin D that are needed for immunity and energy levels. Some evidence suggests that these nutrients can boost immunity and I completely believe this is why I haven't been sick in years.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice diluted in a glass of water or my Green Juice, is an amazing health tonic among fans of natural medicine. Potential benefits include lower cholesterol, lower inflammation in the body, and increased metabolism and energy. Lemon also contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C that boost your immune system. The reason I love it so much is that on a scale from 0-14, a pH of 7 is neutral or pure water, while numbers below 7 are acidic are very unhealthy, and above 7 are basic or alkaline and very healthy. Believers in holistic health, and I believe this, blame many ailments on the body’s pH being too low or too acidic. Increasing your body’s pH is called “alkalizing.” Lemon juice in its natural state is acidic with a pH of about 2, but once metabolized it actually becomes alkaline with a pH well above 7. So, outside the body, anyone can see that lemon juice is very acidic. However, once fully digested, its effect is proven to be alkalizing with many health benefits.

The theory is that some foods, like meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods, cause your body to produce acid, which is bad for you. So eating specific foods , like greens and lemon, that make your body more alkaline can help keep the body happy and healthy. I cheat on the weekends though.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and then they are exposed to yeast. By doing this, the natural sugar from the apple is fermented and turned into alcohol, similar to making wine. Then it's fermented twice, once to make alcoholic cider and a second time to make it vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is said to reduce cravings by inducing satiety which means it is great for weight loss and for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, but apple cider vinegar is filled with beneficial nutrients.

  • natural laxative and it can improve digestion

  • lowers blood sugar levels

  • improves insulin sensitivity

  • increases satiety and helps people to lose weight

  • reduces belly fat

  • lowers cholesterol

  • lowers blood pressure and improves heart health

  • it has been said to prevent and decrease the risk of getting cancer

Intermittent Fasting

Mike and I both practice intermittent fasting periods to watch our weight but for so much more. When we eat, our body goes to work to digest the food and get the nutrients, carbohydrates and proteins where they are needed. However our bodies need a break sometimes, our ancestors were used to fasting simply because there was no food to be found. When we take a break from the digestion process, our bodies go to work to heal the entire body. This is the very reason that many religions and gurus rely on fasting, the metabolic switch turns on when we are fasting and it affects the body and brain.

  • Thinking and memory. Studies discovered that intermittent fasting boosts working and verbal memory.

  • Heart health. Intermittent fasting improves blood pressure and resting heart rates as well as other heart-related measurements.

  • Physical performance. Fasted for 16 hours can result in fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.

  • Protect organs against chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, age-related neurodegenerative disorders, even inflammatory bowel disease and many cancers


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