This was our first earthquake. We were in Rohnert, California, near San Francisco. We wanted to get a good workout in at Planet Fitness and crash for the night. We were relaxing in our van BB, when all of the sudden the van stated shaking pretty bad. I asked Mike if he was shaking the van and he said no. He asked me if I was shaking the van, no. We both thought someone outside was shaking us and that was pretty unnerving, then we received this text. Earthquake! My head was hurting during the quake and hours afterward. Freaky!
"Two quakes struck the Bay Area within a minute of one another — a magnitude 4.4 and a 3.9 aftershock — knocking frames off walls, cracking water lines and rattling nerves on Tuesday night. The first quake struck at 6:39 p.m. and the second at 6:40 p.m. and both had an epicenter in Santa Rosa."