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Less Is More

We live in a world that is in a non-stop feverish pace. We are hurried, rushed, and stressed as we work long hours to pay the bills, but fall deeper into debt. We are fed the lie that the good life is found in accumulating and possessing as much as possible. That’s not happiness. Happiness is spending time with family and friends, traveling and spending quality time on hobbies.

We can only find this happiness when we get off of the consumer treadmill.

Simplifying our lives brings us freedom.  We do this by being happy with what we have.

For example, let’s find 5 slacks, shorts or skirts that we can mix with 5 shirts or blouses. Now let’s find 5 ties or accessory items. We’ll mix and match these items for a month and we’ll see how easy it is to be happy with the clothes we have. Do this each month and donate the clothes that you never choose. Less is more freedom, happiness and time. Now time to simplify the home, office, shed, etc. 

Why own a home and a vacation home? Two mortgages? Just rent a home when we're ready to go on vacation. This saves so much money and offers more travel options. Why buy a boat when we use it on average three months of the year? Just charter a boat when we want to go out on the water. Same thing with everything else. We can rent Harley's, Bikes, Cars, Ski wear, and now we can even rent our weekly wardrobe and free up lots of space in the closet.


We are exchanging our valuable time in exchange for money to buy more stuff.  Less stuff is less hours at work, less stress and more time for real happiness.

Empower yourself to overcome tragedy. In this 30 Day Diary, you will find how you can heal your soul in a relaxed, easy and healthy manner. This is a step by step guide to find happiness and to become a stronger person. Tragedy can damage the mind and soul. This daily guide allows you to be interactive and write your feelings down daily while encouraging you to take action and move forward with you life. This diary is a tool that can be used over and over as you go from broken to blissful in your life.


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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