I'm so over the moon happy right now. I decided last month that I was going to start donating 10% of my income to RAINN. I'm sure you've seen my colorful ads.
I just got paid from Pomifera and I'm so happy to be able to help someone else with this money. A huge thank you to my amazing customers that allow me to do this.
You see, I am a survivor of rape and I've written a book that is published on Amazon. I also donate this book to rape crisis centers around the United States. If you know of an organization that can benefit from this donation, please let me know and I'm happy to contribute.
Years ago, when I first stopped working, I started volunteering at Street Grace in Atlanta. They educate young people, parents and teachers, at church and school, on what to look for in strangers, so that the young people don't become a victim of sex trafficking.
Here's another great resource about sexual assault.
Once we started traveling, I found RAINN. Did you know that every 73 seconds, an American is sexually violated. I was one of those people, in my own apartment, behind locked doors, and someone still got me. Now that I have a new income, I help by contributing to the cause to stop sexual violence, but RAINN also educates to why this happens, how to prevent it, and how to get help.