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How To Live Out Loud

Living out loud means living our life on our terms. Being happy with who we are and being grateful to be alive. It's a wonderful feeling, but it takes practice. Here are some ways we can learn to live out loud.

Live our life with purpose

Be Proactive. Make conscious and deliberate choices. When we don’t choose, we are not in control.

Overcome our fears

We have to get out of our comfort zones. We need to find the butterflies that are in our tummies. This is how we know we’re alive and how we grow stronger. Our fears that we overcome is freedom gained.

Discover a new talent.

Hmmm... what do we want to do? Learn a new instrument, sign up for a salsa class, or bellie dancing, gormet cooking, join toastmasters, camping, or kayaking. Come on now, we never know what will come out of it. I met the man of my dreams at salsa class.

Pay a stranger a compliment.

Not only does it make someone else feel good, but it makes us feel good to compliment someone else. All of the sudden the world is small and the stranger next to us becomes our friend and we recognize that we’re all in this together. Plus it makes us happy and smile!

Take 100% responsibility for our life.

If things aren’t working out in our favor, lets take responsibility and find out why. Being a victim is boring. There is no power in blaming other people.

Live in the question.

There is nothing we cannot be, do, or have, so no more limitations in our lives. Instead of saying we can’t, ask “How can I?” Live in the affirmation of possibility rather than the declaration of negativity.

Learn to say “No.”

To live our best possible life, we have to be able to say no to the things that aren’t helping us rearch our goals.

Once we know what our goals are, we will get comfortable saying no to everything else and life becomes a matter of choice. Living a life of choice is a living a life of freedom.

Know our value.

Others may be more educated, skilled, or talented, but there is something magnificent and valuable about what we have to offer this world.



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