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How To Know If Our Passed Loved Ones Are Communicating With Us

I was blessed with a beautiful call with a friend that lasted for hours, and we got to reminisce about our parents and loved ones that we recently lost. We cried, we laughed, and lifted each other up. That's what we're here to do, help each other through the hard times and celebrate the good times.

I still can't believe my parents are gone!

I was telling my sweet friend about how I absolutely believe that our beautiful, paradise condo in Panama, sweet Bella Vista, was a direct result of my Dad.

He knew how much I love Panama and after my Mom passed, and we were preparing for his transition with pancreatic cancer, he kept telling me to "Just go buy a place in Panama".

Mike and I weren't sure we're we wanted to settle down and there is was sp much more to see before making that decision. A year and a half after my Dad passed, I was given an idea on a dream of a beautiful project on Panama. Mike and I talked about it and we started exploring options. A month later we owned a Condo on the Pacific Ocean in Panama. Everything came to is so easily. The attorney, the real estate agent, the immigration attorney, the property that we feel hear over here in love with and the best part is, Mike's Dad is 45 minutes from us. I absolutely believe that my Dad wanted us to be here.

The thing is, I wanted this for my parents. I always told them as they were getting older to buy someplace on the water, especially because my Mom loved the sound of the ocean. But, they very much enjoyed their life exactly where they were.

Thank you so much Daddy for giving me this beautiful gift. I love it and I love you and Mama so much!

I believe our deceased loved ones are still looking out for us and they are right here with us. There are many reasons for our deceased loved ones to communicate with us, from offering comfort and reassurance during our time of grief to giving advice about a decision we have to make.

The spirit realm can communicate with those in the physical realm, but it tends to be in subtle ways. If you are not sure if your deceased loved one might be sending you a message, then this might help.

Seeing an animal or insect

Animals and insects are often messengers from the spiritual realm. Our loved one wants us to know that they’re okay and they are still with us. When they can sense we’re feeling sad or troubled, they will send a messenger spirit animal or insect as a sign they are looking out for us. Here Mom come to visit me as a Butterfly.

Precious 🦋

Mike and I were camping in the Cascade Mountains, in Washington, on my Mom's birthday in August. I had to take a moment and just go cry hard because I missed my Mom so very much. I went to go settle down in my hammock, next to the beautiful river wear we were camping, and along came two gorgeous, iridescent, blue flies. I know that sounds weird, but they were out of this world beautiful.

They landed on me, and stayed with me for a couple of hours. I knew without a doubt that it was Mama and Daddy here to comfort me. It was so magical, and I felt such a strong dense of love and comfort.

Also, after Mama passed, Daddy and I would watch this gorgeous Cardinal in his backyard. We knew it was Mama checking on us. I believe she was making sure that I was taking care of Daddy. Then when Daddy passed, I saw a make and female Cardinal on the power lines above the driveway. They sat there for the longest time watching me. I know it was Mama and Daddy, because I felt their energy. Simply amazing!

Finding special objects or trinkets

When loved ones want to get our attention, they will often put things in our path to make us take note of their presence. Small objects such as pennies, dimes, white feathers, and seashells are the most common signs.

When I was a toddler, my Granny loved with us and we had a very deep soul connection. Mama said that after she passed I stopped talking for a while and needed speech therapy. WOW. Well, she used her social security money to buy gifts for others. She bought me an amethyst bracelet for me to wear as I got older. After she passed, Daddy put it in an envelope with my Mom and Dad's special love letters.

They pulled that envelope out every Christmas to read the letters to one another, as they had to write to each other when Daddy was in Vietnam. Well, the year that I moved away from home, to Naples, FL, my parents pulled the same envelope out and there was the amethyst bracelet. Daddy wrapped it up and addressed to my from Granny. I still have that bracelet. Amazing! Thank you Granny, I love you. I know you are my guardian angel and always watching over me.

Being visited by them in a dream

When a loved one has a message for us, they will often appear in dreams. It’s easier for their spirit to manifest in dreams than in the physical world. Plus we’re more receptive to their advice and guidance in dreams, whereas while awake our mind is often busy, or preoccupied.

I was beat up so bad from losing Mama, then taking care of Daddy, only to lose him five months later. Then having to do everything myself from the funerals, settling their bills, selling the house. It was overwhelming. About three months after I sold Mama and Daddy's house, Mike and I came back to the boat.

One night around Christmas, I had a wonderful dream of Mama and Daddy. The three of us were walking around in their empty house. They were acknowledging all of the incredibly hard deeds and emotions that I've been going through, and they were proud of me for being so strong, during this very difficult time.

But what was so amazing is that I FELT them, their love. I was surrounded by PURE LOVE that was so strong.

You see, I felt Mom the entire time Daddy was alive. She was with me in Colorado, seeing all of the mountains and beautiful scenery. I felt like she was in the van with us, finally getting to go on her fun, cross-country road trip and seeing everything I was seeing. Daddy said he felt her every day, and he was comforted knowing she was near.

My beautiful Christmas gift from my parents was their very strong visitation dream. They were letting me know that all is good. They are together and so very happy. Mom would always tell me, "Call us if you need us". Now I know without a doubt, that Mama and Daddy are right here, now my spirit guides, along with my Granny. My Christmas Angels.

Hearing songs that remind you of them

When we hear our deceased loved one’s favorite songs, they are reaching out to us through the music. If we’re listening to the radio or walking into a store and their song comes on, it’s a sign they are with us and want us to remember how much they love us. We might also get the song stuck in our head or notice yourself humming it out of the blue.

Daddy was a huge lover of music. He could tell us who wrote the song, the composer, and where it was recorded. Daddy was so incredible. I love when I hear his favorite songs come to me.

Noticing repeating numbers

Repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, are a way that loved ones in the spiritual realm communicate.

I get angel numbers all the time. So much so that I started taking notes.

Here are some more ways that our loved ones show us they are with us.

Losing or misplacing things

When a deceased loved one wants our attention, we might notice things getting lost or misplaced. Our sunglasses go missing from their usual spot, only to be back there when we check again later.

Smelling their signature scent

When a loved one is with us in spirit, we may get a whiff of their signature scent. This might be a perfume or cologne they wore, the smell of cigar smoke, favorite flower, or even the aroma of their favorite meal.

Experiencing strange electrical occurrence

For spirits to communicate with us in the physical realm, they must tap into an energy source, because they are pure energy. Electricity is one of the easier energy sources to tap into, but it leads to strange electrical occurrences. Lights flickering, or even turning on and off, our loved one is trying to communicate with us. The spiritual energy of our loved one can also drain batteries, such as our cell phone.

Sensing their presence

It’s quite usual to see, hear, or feel the touch of our deceased loved one. We might notice a change in the energy around us, feel a soft breeze go by, sense someone sitting near us, or even feel the gentle touch of a hand on ours

Look for the Signs

Signs from our deceased loved ones can be reassuring, comforting, and healing. They serve as a reminder that true love never ends; it only changes form. Those who have passed on remain with us in spirit, sending their love and looking out for our best interests.


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