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Heart Brain Coherence with HeartMath

Hi Jacqui here, thanks for visiting.

Mike's cousin, Manuel is a HeartMath instructor, and he introduced me to this new technique of changing my state. My negative state, or feelings of sadness and depression, created chronic stress, which upset my body's hormone balance, depleted my brain's chemicals required for happiness, and damaged my immune system, resulting in cancer. He showed me how this technique of HeartMath can help me tap into the power and intelligence of my heart's intuition. HeartMath aims to increase Heart Brain coherence and bring optimal functioning within the body while decreasing the effects of stress and negative emotions. It changes my response to stress from a fight or flight response to rest, restoration, balance, and increased positive emotions.

I do my HeartMath sessions a couple of times a day and I feel an amazing differnce.

The brain and the heart each have a type of “intelligence” and we can create this state of harmony with practice.

This harmony is called “coherence.” When our thoughts, emotions, and intentions are unified, we will experience tremendous unity and peace within and a deeper connection to those around us. When we shift into a coherent state, the heart and brain operate synergistically, like two systems that mesh into one.

“What is a brain and heart coherence?” Coherence is when our brain works with our heart and body. It is a state of unity between our mind, body, and spirit. This state of harmony allows us to be more present and aware. When we are in a state of coherence, our body can heal itself and function at its optimal level. There are many benefits to being in a state of coherence, including:

Increased creativity

Improved decision-making

Greater clarity of thought

Improved emotional stability

Increased physical energy

Reduced stress levels

Improved sleep quality

It is first necessary to understand the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to understand brain and heart coherence. The ANS controls all our body’s automatic functions, like heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. The ANS has two main divisions: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

The SNS is responsible for the “fight-or-flight” response. This response is the body’s natural reaction to stress. When the SNS is activated, the heart rate and blood pressure increase, and the digestive system slow down. The PNS is responsible for the “rest-and-digest” response. This response is the body’s natural reaction to relaxation.

When the PNS is activated, the heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and the digestive system speed up. The SNS and PNS work together harmoniously in a state of brain and heart coherence. The heart rate variability (HRV) increases, and the heart rate and blood pressure become more regulated. Many different techniques can be used to increase brain and heart coherence. Some of these include:

Deep breathing




Progressive muscle relaxation

HeartMath is a great way to measure our Heart Brain Coherence and I am so happy and grateful that I was introduced to this technology.


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