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Get Super Healthy And Sexy For The Holidays

I had an incredibly unpredictable September. We put Yinsanity in the Marina for Huirricane Dorian and we to have a hurricane party, that lasted a week. Hurricane Dorian stalled over the Bahamas but it was expected to hit Central Florida at any time. We stayed in a hotel from Sunday September 1st to the 5th. Eating a drinking the entire time. It was an extended stay to say the least.

Then, we put Yinsanity in dry dock and had her hauled out for some work. The work should have taken a week, maybe two. The last time we had her hauled out, at the same marina, we stayed on the boat. However, now there are new owners and we were kicked off of our boat. We stayed at Airbnb and then Mike's Mom's condo in St. Petersburg, Florida. During this time, I got to see all of my new and old friends and we went to dinner, a lot. Woah!!!

Mike took me out salsa dancing and out to dinner to eat Mexican, Cuban, Seafood and of course I cooked sometimes. My friends and I had crepes at a new fabulous French restaurant in Titusville, FL. Other friends and I met out for appitizers, drinks that eventually led to dinner. I had so much freaking fun because you see, I love to eat. I love food and it's a great way to celebrate life and friendships.

This happened because each week the boat was scheduled to be finished so when it wasn't we said, "This will be the last week here.", or "I don't know when I'll see you again, let's gfot out to dinner.", or it was a celebration that we survived our first hurricane as boat owners.

We had the most fabulous month. But now back to realiaty and back to being healthy. Going out to eat is really fun but I typically only reserve it for weekends or special occasions. I don't know what's in the food or how they cook it. I try to stay healthy and eat clean and much as I can for my health. I don't mind growing old, in fact it's a prioiviledge, but I want to be healthy and with ailments. I totally believe we are what we eat so if I eat clean then my body will be clean.

Now I need to get my body back in shape and get all of these toxins out of my body. I will do this by intermitten fasting, not eating for 16 consecutive hours of the day, tons of water and drinking my super greens while eating clean.


Super Greens, EmergenC, mixed with Spring Water

Spirulina This blue green algae is an antioxidant super food that helps with allergy reduction, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce diabetes, arthritis , fibromyalgia, and it detoxes the body

Chlorella This green algae super food a is packed with vitamins and protein but it also has lorophyll cd acn keep othe ed blood cells healthy, help to heal wounds, and improve blood sugar control.


Blueberries, Cherry Tomatoes, Grapes, Boiled Egg, Cheese

Blueberries These yummy antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage the cells and contribute to aging and diseases. Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all common fruits and vegetable.

Grapes The nutrients in these antioxidants may help protect against cancer, eye problems, and cardiovascular disease.

Tomatoes This antioxidant helps protect the body from heart disease, boost digestive health and boost collagen.

Eggs Eggs contain choline that is used to build cell membranes and has a role in producing signaling molecules in the brain. Whole eggs are an excellent source of choline.

Cheese Cheese contains calcium and protein that can keep bones strong, and help prevent osteoporosis.


Red Apple and Cinnamon

Apples This delicious fruit is high in fiber to keep the waist thin, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, and boost the immune system.

Cinnamon This antioxidant ontrols sugar level to prevent diabetes, reduces high blood pressure and protects the brain from aging.


Yellow Squash, Chicken and Cheese

I put a little sour cream and hot sauce with mine. Yummy!

Yellow Squash

This squash is rich in manganese. This mineral helps to boost bone strength and helps the body’s ability to process fats and carbohydrates.


Chicken has protein and B vitamins help the body with energy production and also help form healthy red blood cells.


Cheese contains calcium and protein that can keep bones strong, and help prevent osteoporosis.

It rained all day today and the wind was so strong that I didn't get my workout in. I will start early tomorrow and get it really good workout and sweat in.


I did pretty good. I will adjust for more protein and less carbs. I would like all three, protein, carbs and fats to be around 33%. I ate 664 calories but I like to snack so I'll probably add a few more calories later. I will get in a workout tomorrow morning and definately add more water. I want to drink 128 ounces a day and today I drank 40 ounces. It's ok, this was my first day so it will only get better.

Repeat for 30 days and I should be healthy and sexy for the hoildays. I already have my New Year's Eve dress so it's got to look great!

Here's to better health and a sexy body!





© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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