In our hearts, we all know that death is a part of life. In fact, death gives meaning to our existence because it reminds us how precious life is.

As many of you know, my best friend just passed away or got promoted, whichever way you look at it. I look at it that she's gone. I was not able to be with her during her last days and I'm devastated. I'm so angry and hurt because I miss her so much.
Most of us get a chance to be granted a best friend, if we're lucky, we get more than one. I am one lucky chick to be surrounded but so many loving friends that are always there for me.
But what is a best friend? I recently explained my relationship with Carmen, it's as if we already loved each other as soon as we met, like we hung out in another dimension, life or just soul mates. We both desperately needed each other at that exact moment and my life was changed forever.
I know you have a friend like this, I hope, everyone deserves this devotion. As when someone arrives in your life and they make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them. What an amazing experience. Carmen brought out the best in me, she helped me see my beauty and find my strength. We both helped each other by just being there. Boy did we always get into or make some trouble. I remember when my boyfriend met her for the first time, he said "Oh no, double trouble", so funny! Love her so much!
But life must go on. I know from experience, from the loss of friends and so many family members, that I will experience a wide range of emotions. Even though I knew Carmen was so sick with cancer, I feel numb and I'm still in compelete shock. I know that I will probably go through the emotions of denial, disbelief, confusion, sadness, yearning, anger, despair, and guilt probably for the rest of my life.
For anyone else going through the same thing as me, just know that coping with death is vital to our mental health. It is only natural to experience grief when someone we truly love dies. The best thing we can do is allow ourselves to grieve, remember the good times and allow time to heal our broken hearts.
This book was 20 years in the making when my boyfriend convinced me to write it so that I could help others. I was able to break through a traumatic life change and I recored everything that worked for me. I still use these techniques and I'm using them at this moment. If you need extra help to get through a crises, please consider this book. It is helping me now deal with the loss of my beautiful friend. I gave her a copy as soon as she was diangosed with cancer.
My sweet Carmen, I will always love and miss you!