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Collagen, Protein, and Fiber Packed Smoothie

Hi Jacqui here! I have a new smoothie that I have fallen in love with. Blending fruits and veggies is beneficial because the body can absorb more of the nutrients. This occurs because the blender has the power to break up the cell walls of a plant. The result is a release of the antioxidants which also allows for easier digestion. This is fantastic and I've added in my favorite collagen, protein powder, and seeds.

Here's what I put in my delicious smoothie.

Collagen-9™ is the most complete collagen product, uniquely designed to include all 9 essential amino acids needed to support protein synthesis, including collagen.

Combined with biotin and vitamin C, these crucial nutrients aid in promoting healthy hair, skin, nails, and joints.

Life Shake™ contains

20 g Ultra-pure, non-GMO protein with precise ratios of all 9 essential amino acids to support energy and satiety

24 Essential vitamins and minerals to support heart, brain, immune, and overall health

6 g Dietary fiber and a proprietary prebiotic from an ancient grains blend to support digestive health and regularity

Our new, low-glycemic sweetener system, Reb M + 5 g natural sugar cane

The new Life Shake is Powered by Leucine® to help build lean muscle, burn fat, and support metabolism.

Apples have phytochemicals and fiber that will protect a cell's DNA from oxidative damage, which is a precursor to cancer. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria and plant virus infections Apples can prevent new cancer cells from growing and the spread of existing cancer cells.

Strawberries provide fiber, potassium, folate and antioxidants, but they also contain several bioactive compounds, or flavonoids, that help protect against chronic diseases.

Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory.

Cucumbers help hydrate the body and the fiber helps with regularity and avoid constipation. The vitamin K helps blood clot and keep bones healthy. Vitamin A helps with vision and the immune system.

Spinach is rich in potassium and helps lower blood pressure. Spinach is an excellent source of lutein, an antioxidant known to protect against age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Spirulina in the Super Greens boosts the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria in the body.

I love the triology of Chia, Flax , and Hemp seeds.

Chia can improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels and promote intestinal health. Chia can also help with weight loss and decrease risk of developing diabetes or heart disease.

Flaxseed helps with digestive health, lowers total blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Both of these fats are known for improving heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides.

Woo Hoo! Here's to being healthy and loving life. Cheers!

© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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