Mike's Mom said we have to see Carmel-By-The-Sea. I'm so glad that we did because it is so beautiful, and known for its natural scenery and rich artistic history. In 1910 it reported that 60 percent of Carmel's houses were built by citizens who were "devoting their lives to work connected to the aesthetic arts." Early City Councils were dominated by artists, and several of the city's mayors have been poets or actors, including actor-director Clint Eastwood, who served as mayor from 1986 to 1988.
The town is very upscaleand reminds me very much of the little town Ilived in, Naples, Florida, the differencebeing that Carmel has many large hills and small mountains.
Carmel is known for being dog-friendly, with numerous hotels, restaurants and retail establishments admitting guests with dogs. We saw so many dogs running along the beach and living their best life.
Carmel is also known for several unusual laws, including a prohibition on wearing high-heeled shoes without a permit, enacted to prevent lawsuits arising from tripping accidents caused by irregular pavement.
The first Europeans to see this land were Spanish mariners led by Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo in 1542, who sailed up the California coast without landing.
Another sixty years passed before another Spanish explorer, Sebastián Vizcaíno discovered for Spain what is now known as Carmel Valley in 1602. It is thought that he named the river running through the valley Rio Carmelo in honor of the three Carmelite friars serving as chaplains for the voyage.