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Cancer Caused By Trauma

Hi I'm Jacqui and on July 19, 2023 my life changed forever.

My life changed for the better, but I had to go through some difficult challenges and big decisions about what direction to take.

July 19th sparked the journey to me finding out that I had cancer in my appendix, uterus, ovaries, and colon. I say that this is a miracle because in less than four months, Mike's family of doctors discovered a mass that led to an ultrasound and colonoscopy that led to finding cancer, that led to finding the best oncologists in Atlanta that removed the cancer, and I ended up at the Gerson Institute in Tijuana to heal my body naturally. I absolutely believe that I was protected and guided the entire way by my spirit team of angels and my sweet Granny and my wonderful Parents.

This is my story -

On this journey, I found out that the taruma of the the eighteen wheeler nearly ending my young life at seventeen, the violent rape at twenty-one, my extremely stressful career, and losing my parents within five months of each other, were all emotions that I kept neatly stored away in my body. I was good at that getting through difficult times by assessing the situation, accepting the changes, regrouping, refocusing, and then moving on to a better life. I had no idea that these emotions were festering in my body and manifesting into cancer. This is because I continued to be in a state of fight , flight, or freeze for the last thirty years.

My negative state, or feelings of fear, anger, sadness and depression, created chronic stress, which upset my body's hormone balance, depleted my brain's chemicals required for happiness, and damaged my immune system. I got annual checkups and nothing was found, even at my last checkup in February 2022. This is still so strange and why I think this was a miracle that this illness came to light like it did.

I was in a very bad state for a long while when I lost my parents so close together. You see, two and a half years ago, Mike and I were sailing in the Bahamas, and I talked to my parents regularly, as they were my favorite people on this planet. I got a call that Mama wanted to go to the ER to find out why she was losing so much weight, (because she didn't believe what her regular doctors were telling her, that she was healthy and just needed to eat) and while there my Dad was admitted for jaundice. The doctors found out that Daddy had pancreatic cancer and Mama was just not eating for because she was scared of getting diabetes. Mama had recently lost the last of her six siblings to heart disease and diabetes and she was scared to get it, so she cut her diet in half. I wanted to fly home, but Daddy said to sail the boat back and secure it. So, Mike and I sailed back for eight long days and nights from George Town, Exumas in the Bahamas to Lake Worth, Florida. I was crying the entire way. just because my parents have always been the strongest people in my world and I hated they were having to go through this.

I had no idea that within six months, I would lose both of my beautiful, strong, loving parents. I am so grateful that I got to move home to take care of them, love them, and they got to pass from this world to the next excatly like they wanted. This was a beautiful gift that I was able to give them. However, I had to bury my Mom, who died of a broken heart when she found out Daddy had terminal cancer. Then my Daddy pushed me away to deal with his own feelings of losing his soul mate, of fifty-two years, and coming to terms with his pancreatic cancer. I was so incredibly sad because I wanted to be there with him, for him. A couple of months later, I started getting the feeling that he wasn't doing good. We talked everyday, then I told my Daddy that I was coming home and he said that he was ready. I moved home again, this time take care of him and finally put him to rest. Daddy and I talked a lot about their home. I say their home because I moved out at eighteen and created a life for myself. This home was their dream. Daddy said he wanted me to move back to Alabama and live in their home or sell it and buy a new place somewhere else. He knew I loved Panama and constantly brought it up for an option to retire. I told Daddy that their home was not my house and that I was not moving back to Alabama, so together we planned everything for the sale of their home.

So, I had to put both of my young parents to rest at the ages of seventy-two and seventy-three, then I had to sell my childhood home, and I had to close my Daddy's much beloved barber shop, Johnny Sullivan Tonsorial Art. Oh, also my brother is a drug addict, and he was not even offering to help. Mike was there with me, but I had to do this on my own. These were my memories that I did not want to share. So, I did everything on my own. I never stopped to take a break. I had free counseling offered to me, but each time I was going to call, I rationalized that every person on Earth has to bury their parents. This is the circle of life. So, I just didn't get any help, and like the Alpha woman that I am, I handled the tasks, exceptionally well, and moved on.

I didn't realize this state of prolonged, utter sadness would bring up my past traumas and this would cause so much havoc in my body. I was working daily on being really positive and focusing on travel and the future, but my internal state was not good. I was so sad for two and a half years.

Then the miracle happened -

I feel like I am living in a miracle right now! I know without a doubt that Mama and Daddy are right here with me, along with my Granny who is my angel, and my team of guardian angels. I have been lifted up in divine love and light, there is no other way to describe what happened to me.

June 1, 2023

Miracle 1 Bella Vista came to me in a dream

Mike and I move into our beautiful condo, Bella Vista, in Panama. The condo came to me in a dream and Mike and I made the decsion to go check it out. We interviewed a couple of real estate attourneys, but we really liked one very much, Ruben. He was so very professional. We asked him to refer us to a real estate agent, and it happens that he works with his wife, who is a real estate agent. We fell in love with Cecillia immediately. We then asked for an immigration attorney for me, and of course there is one in the family, Rafael, who is amazing. This could not be more perfect, and so easy. They all had the best cuctomer service and we've already recommended them to others. We closed on the condo in less than a month and Mike and I started decorating the condo, buying a car, and just getting things settled, as this is our retirement home.

July 14, 2023

Miracle 2 Mike's step-cousin is a nurse , in a clinic ten minutes from our condo.

Mike's Dad called his niece because I was having constipation, diarrhea, and then back to regular. This is strange for me because I am regular, every day. I thought that I got a bacteria from the food or water in Panama. This happens to me sometimes when we travel abroad. So after about a week of this, I decided to go to the doctor. Mike's step-cousin got us in right away, and the doctor ordered blood test and found that there was a small amount of blood in the stool sample, but she thought it was due to the constipation. She put me on an anti-biotic for a small urinary infection, and we would do another follow up test in a week. It's so good to have family in the nearby medical clinic. Wow.

July 16, 2023

I was walking on the beach to check out a restaurant that we wanted to have dinner that night. While walking on the beach, my leg slipped in the sand and I felt a slight pain near my right ovary. This has been a normal occurrence for me since I was Twenty due to endometriosis. I didn't think anything of it and walked back to the condo. I cooked a great breakfast, while dancing to my favorite 70s music. All was good, until I went to set down to eat. The pain was excruciating. I couldn't set down. I called my Dr. about my abdominal pain, and she thought it could be a symptom of the antibiotics. She took me off of this prescription and put me on another one. The pain went away completely, and I was back to my old self again. Time to start our Panama Road Trip to the beaches and mountains.

July 19, 2023

Miracle 3 We were 30 minutes away from Mike's cousins who are doctors that know all the doctors in town.

Mike, his Dad, Eddie, and I were on day three of our road trip and we left Las Lajas Beach and went to Chiriquí. This is up in the mountains where the temperature stays around 70 degrees all year around. We finished up the morning in Cerro Punta and just arrived in Boquete. The drive was pretty bumpy and the pain in my abdomen was pretty bad each time we hit a bump. I only had one day left of antibiotics, so I thought tthe pain was due to the UTI, but it was really strange to have this pain.

We arrived in Boquete and parked to grab lunch. I nearly couldn't get out of the car because of the severe pain. Oh my gosh! I told Mike that this has to be something else. But, I didn't want to ruin the day, so we grabbed a delightful lunch at Sugar and Spice, a boutique bakery, and it was devine.

During lunch, the guys decided to cancel the remainder of our road trip to Bocas Del Toro, a funky, bohemian island village, and head to Mike's cousins house, an 30 minutes away in David. Manuel and his wife Katia are doctors and they were both home. Once we arrived, I explained to Manuel that I have been having digestive issues, that I thought it was from moving to a new country and changing the food, dehydration, etc. I felt great, except for this pain while we were on the bumpy roads.

Manuel examined me and found "something" in my abdomen, near my bladder. Katia called her Gynecologist and got me an appointment right away, within 20 minutes. Dr Jocey did an ultrasound and found a 10 cm large liquid mass. Right place at the right time or a miracle?

Of course I started crying and looked everything up on the internet. Big mistake! Everything I looked at was bad. I was so upset. Mike finally calmed me down, I watched some funny cat videos to get me out of my thought process, and then we started making plans. Dr. Jocey wanted me to get a CT scan to see what's going on inside. She asked if I have had a colonoscopy, and I had not. She said that since I'm over 50 it's good to have one, so she schedule to conoloscopy for me a couple of days later.

July 27, 2023

I got the colonoscopy and the Ddoctor couldn't complete the exam because of a lesion that was found half way in. He took a biopsy and it came back as carcinoma. I also completed a CTT scan and it appeared to be the same. I'm still in shock about this information because I had no symptoms.

Manuel told me that he believes that I encapsulatied the trauma into this mass, from losing Mom and Daddy so close together. The longer I kept the stress in my body, the longer it had to turn into cancer.

I did some research and this is what I found. During overwhelming or traumatic events, when energetic emotions are too much, too strong, and too fast to process adaptively. The trauma is overwhelming; so the stress response is held in the body, and can lead to chronic mental, behavioral, or physical illnesses. So my body contained the trauma that I endured, into a mass to protect me and this lead to PTSD.

The stress response from losing Mom and Daddy within months, encapsulated the wounded part of myself into a shock bubble; frozen in the original trauma state. I then moved on, as a survival response; thus, abandoning the wounded part in the stress bubble. The trauma went on unprocessed, leaving the wounded part to relive the trauma internally. When I did not process it, my body responded physically and energetically by creating inner secondary responses to deal with the stress left over from the trauma. Overtime, the protection responses caused harm and manifested into cancer.

This has happened before to me with ovarian cysts, but I didn't realize it. I had several cysts during my twenties and thirties, and even an 8cm cyst removed by major surgery. I am just now aware that this was trauma from my violent attack at twenty-one. You see, I thought that I was really good at controlling stress, ummmm, my body would say otherwise.


Miracle 4 When our body is in heart-brain coherence, our bodies heal.

Manuel is a HeartMath instructor, and he introduced me to this new technique of changing my state. He showed me how this technique of HeartMath can help me tap into the power and intelligence of my heart's intuition. HeartMath aims to increase Heart-Brain coherence and bring optimal functioning within the body while decreasing the effects of stress and negative emotions. It changes my response to stress from a fight or flight response to rest, restoration and increased positive emotions. Wow! It's amazing that Manuel is a doctor and he teaches exactly what I needed to heal. Amazing!

Mike's other cousin, Mayluly and her husband Alberto iare Chinese Herbal Practitioner sand gave me Bu Xue Tiao Jing Wan. This herb soothes the liver, invigorates blood, breaks stasis, stops bleeding, warms the uterus, tonifies qi. This would help me prepare for surgery. These are the same people that helped me balance my Thyroid gland and Menpause sytmptoms.

July 28, 2023

Miracle 5 Katia is also a dietician and referred me to her friend as a second opinion. for foods that fight cancer.

I saw a nutritionist who told me to eat oatmeal because eating whole grains lowers risk of cancer and the soluble fiber found in oatmeal can also help lower blood cholesterol.

I also started on a diet to restrict the cancer from growing which are the following foods. Berries, tomatoes, walnuts, kale, green peppers, and other vegetables, fruits and nuts.

The sugars which actually feed cancer cells are the refined sugars, brown sugar, corn syrup, or white sugar, which help the cancer cells to grow, but not fruit sugar. In fact, fruit sugar helps cancer cells to shrink because of its high fiber, vitamin and mineral density.

August 7, 2023

Miracle 6 I got accepted to Gerson Institute! Yay!

Gerson is a holistic cancer cancer center that I found while researching chemo alternatives with one of my best friends. Unfortunately, the doctors scared her into doing chemo, and I say scared her because I was there with her when they wouldn't give her time to make a decision. My Daddy went through the same sales pitch, and I did too. The doctors tell horrible time limits and to plan for death. It's aweful. Ironically, it was the experimental chemo that shortened her life, because her cancer continued to come back. The chemo didn't work and they just kept trying new trial chemo therapies. I was with her during her treatments and I watched as the treatments made her so weak. She told me to please do Gerson if I ever got sick, so I applied and was accepted.

"Hello Jacqueline,

As a follow-up to the evaluation of your case, based on the review of the specific medical information submitted by you. Considering the main diagnosis, your overall health, and the clinical medical experience with treating this specific type of cancer, you are a candidate for the program. You have been accepted for treatment at the Gerson clinic. Congratulations!

"The road of recovery with the Gerson Therapy is an individual journey and case by case basis however, past clinical experience has demonstrated that most common cancers can be cured/controlled with the Gerson Therapy. Patients can enhance healing opportunities by being dedicated and applying self-discipline during this journey."

August 15, 2023

Miracle 7 I got the best oncologist in Atlanta and surrounded by love

I got three doctor's opinions about what type os surgery to have to remove the cancer. After much thought, Mike and I made the decision to have the surgery in the United States because our insurance covers more in the US. I am working with one of the best oncologist in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Sanghera with Wellstar. This was another miracle as my bestie's sister referred me to him as the best in Atlanta and I was able to get an appointment very quickly. Then on top of that, my soul sister let us stay at her house to recover from surgey, then all of my wonderful friends in Georgia surrounded me with love and support. This was a true miracle.

August 16, 3023

In order to find out more about what's going on, he ordered an MRI of my abdomen.

August 18, 2023

He also ordered an MRI of my pelvic area.

The Wellstar Pathology Lab reviewed the biopsy samples and unbelievably found no cancer, but pre-cancer cells!

August 19, 2023

Miracle 8 iTera Wand came to me and I knew I had to buy it. Great reviews.

I also ordered the iTera Wand. This came to me on TikTok and it's absolutely a miracle! Abnormal cells absorb excessive energy and heat up and destroy themselves with this blue light, frenquency wand. At the same time, this wand activates inert cells and enhance sthe body's self-healing ability.


1) destroy harmful cells.

2) strengthen healthy cells and trigger Dormant cells.

3) help the body repair itself.

4) regulate endocrine disorders.

5) improve microcirculation and eliminate water in the body.

Physiotherapy tips for cell thermotherapy.

-Drugs can treat tissue damage, but cannot restore cell damage.

-Cells hyperthermia device directly introduce light waves into the human body,

Automatically identify normal cells to accelerate blood flow-(normal heat dissipation).

It brings a lot of negative ions to cells and solves the excessive state.

Accumulate positive ions in the body to promote self-repair and rebirth of body organs.

-A large number of quanta can be brought to cells by the use of the cell therapy instrument of the THF wave.

-Wake up the body's absorption capacity and relax muscles.

-Help open internal circulation and filter debris.

Various inflammation

Rhinitis, pharyngitis, gastritis, gynecological inflammation, prostatitis, etc.

Various pain points

Shoulder and neck pain, arthralgia, lumbago, headache, dysmenorrhea, sciatica, etc.

Various blockages

Meridian obstruction, lymph, obstruction, varicosity, diabetes and hypertension.

Skin Beauty

Acne, acne scars, blemishes, anti-aging, beauty, various skin diseases, etc.

August 20, 2023

I've also been taking Apricot Seeds to remove the cancer. Apricot kernel, a by-product of apricot fruit, is a rich source of proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Apricot kernels may help to fight against various diseases such as cancer as well as reduce blood pressure. I eat one seed a day.

Bitter apricot seeds contain cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin. Several reports revealed that apricot kernel has been used for treating hypertension, chronic inflammation, cancer, and other reaction diseases.

August 22, 2023

Miracle number 9 Mike and I found

Joe Dispenza is a scientist that was hit by a car while he was cyscling. He was told that he would never walk again. He refused the doctor's opinions and started researching people who healed thenmselves. He began to imagine himself totally healed. He visualized each vertebrae healing and reconstructed his spine in his mind. In just ten and a half weeks, Dr. Joe was back on his feet, and in twelve weeks, he was training again and back at work. I have been praticing these meditations daily as well as spiritual healing meditations.

August 23, 2023

Dr. Sanghera ordered a PET Scan as well to get a different view of what's going on.

August 25, 2023

I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Sanghera to go over all of the findings. I was really excited because he needs me to see a Gynecologist oncologist and there are the in the Wellstar network. All had no openings until mid September. However, Dr Sanghera made a call for me and I have an appointment with Dr. Carroll on August 29th. Yay!

I asked Dr. Sanghera about the good news with the pathology, and he gave me every scenario with the good, bad, and the ugly. I guess this was to prepare me for anything. I am not accepting anything but a great outcome. I am doing meditation daily, breaking techniques for brain-heart coherence, frequency wand, apricot seeds, and loads of positive affirmations with so much gratitude.

August 29, 2023

I met my Gynecologist oncologist, Dr Carroll and I love her so much! I now have the super team. I was told that we have a surgery set for September 13th but I asked with my condition could it be moved up. The surgical scheduling team made it happen and my surgery date in September 6th. I'm so excited!

September 6, 2023

I had a surgery that was supposed to last 6 hours and the doctors got three bags of blood incase I would need it for blood transfusion, however my surgery lasted only 4 hours and no extra blood was needed. The doctors were very impressed with how healthy I was. Going into the surgery, I was prepared to find a great outcome of Stage 0 or 1 colon cancer.

The doctors later told me that I had Stage 4 Appendix cancer that spread from the Apendix to the ovaries, and colon. This is thought to affect about 1 or 2 people per 1 million per year. It is more common in people between the ages of fifty and fifty years old, but can happen at any age.

Appendix Cancer Symptoms - I no symptoms until July 2023

Most cases of appendix cancer are discovered during surgery for appendicitis

Increase in abdomen size/girth, bloating

Vague abdominal discomfort in the lower right abdomen

Pelvic discomfort

Bowel obstruction

Changes in bowel habits

Ovarian masses

Changes to normal bowel function may be an indicator of appendix cancer. As the cancer grows, it may cause intestinal discomfort, blockages or changes to the body. This may include constipation, diarrhea or other unusual gastrointestinal symptoms.

The miracle is, had I not had these changes to my bowel functions, I would have never known I had an issue. My Gynecologist did not feel any mass with my 2022 check up, as an ultrasound was not done and pap smear was negative. My annual physical, blood work ,and Doctor's visit was fine in 2022. I felt really good, working out five days a week, traveling, and just living a great life. It's simply a miracle all of this was found. This could have gone un-notice until it was too late.

September 12, 2023

I was released from the hospital and had a very long talk with my doctors. I was given six months to live without western medicine, chemotherapy , radiation, but there were no guarantees. I absolutely did not accept this news!!!Both doctors continued to push chemo and radiation, but I know my body can heal itself with proper tools.

The doctors got the cancer out. They removed the now 13 cm ovarian cyst, ocaries, uterus, appendix, two lymph nodes, and two sections of the colon. Dr. Sanghera said they vacuumed my abdomen and only micro particles remained. No cancer found in the blood or organs. This is good news for me because with Gerson, my immune system can by super powered and heal my body from this.

I don't really follow western medicine and I had already been on my holistic treatment plan since August, so I told my suergeons that I chose Gerson Institute. Dr. Sanghera went over the Gerson plan with me and wished me the very best for a healthy life.

I'm going to be honest and tell you that it took me several days to process this information from the doctors, and then I knew I have to stay in a happy, grateful state, and mind over matter state all of the time, from now on.

September 16, 2023

Ion Foot Detox

I used the Ion Foot Detox, which is a professional detoxification treatment, to help with total body purification and enables the body to heal itself. This foot bath relaxes, cleanses, balances and enhances the bio energy of the body.

This cleansing is used to increase both physical and mental energy, vitality, and stamina. At the same time, it also purges the body of toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign material. My tub had red flakes which is blood clots and that makes sense because I just had surgery.

September 18, 2023

I started the Gerson Protocol from home. I had to wait to be released from the medical doctor before I could go to the Gerson Institute in Tijuana. I was so ready to start this protocol and heal my body.

October 23, 2023

I finally got released from my surgeons and I arrived at Gerson Institute! This was a two week stay with full immersion into the Gerson Protocol. Our room was right next to the pool. We got three organic meals a day. lots of cooking classes, meditation, therapy, and Vitamin C IV, B17 IV. We even got to celebrate Mike's birthday here and enjoy walks to the beach. What a wonderful experience. Mike liked it so much that deceide to sign up to do the at home Gerson Protocol. Yay! This is so exciting!

November 6, 2023

I got released from Gerson Institute. What an amazing experince. My hard work has paid off and my blood tests and Ultrasound came back amazing. The doctors are so proud of me. No sign of cancer recurring. I'm so happy!!!! Now I just have to be on this Gerson Protocol for the next two years, monthly blood tests, regualar colon exams, and probably CT scans as needed. But I'm super healthy and focusing on my mind, body, and spirit for the rest of my life. I am so happy and incredibly grateful to my amazing friends/family that supported me and gave me so much love, my Spirit Team, God/Universe, Angels, Mama, Daddy, Granny, my higher self and my super power within my body that helps me heal.


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