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Can healing the Ebstein Barr Virus heal Hashimoto's?

I have changed my diet a lot this past year trying to find a solution to my symptoms of Hashimoto's. Weight gain, hair loss, very cold, vertigo, pains throughout my body, etc. I increased my thyroid meds 2 months ago but still had symptoms. I've done research on what to eat to heal the thyroid but nothing was really working for me.

I recently found that the Ebstein Barr Virus (EBV) from childhood could be the cause of my problems. It appears that doctors are now finding that the EBV does not leave the body once you get it. It stays dormant unless it becomes active from stress, surgery, hormone, etc. 

Once active it can attack the thyroid and nervous system. I was having deep pains in my bones, muscles, joints and even sciatic nerve pain so I thought it may be attacking my nervous system because it is already in my thyroid. 

I read ways to heal EBV with food as there is no cure at this time. Research shows to only eat lean meats, fruits and veggies. That's It! No eggs, no cheese, no dairy, no bread and no chocolate! 😨 

Well, I have been eating only fruits, veggies, tuna and chicken for 2 weeks now and my pain in my body is completely gone!!! I can't believe it!   

EBV is also associated with various cancers, auto-immune diseases like hashimoto's,  fibromyalgia, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.



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