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Camping In The Cascades, Washington

Mike and I found the most peaceful spot in the North Cascades National Park. We wanted to camp next to Diablo Lake but it was completely booked up.

The Range said that the parks and campsites are booked up 6 months in advance because the people in Seattle come to the mountains in the summer. I can totally see why, it's breathtaking.

However, we have the Overlander app and with it we found a beautifu, dispersed callingl spot, next to a clear, green, river.

The Overlander app, or similar apps show you camping spots with reviews. Also, it was very helpful that the Range Stratton had great information as well on where to go for dispersed camping around the park.

We had the most beautiful weekend relaxing next to a gorgeous creek, hiking, cooking comfort food that we love, quesadillas and chili, and best of all, chilaxing in our hammocks.

This was the most peaceful weekend and it made up feel Aldine just being one with nature.


© 2019 Jacqui Sullivan

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