Mike and I have been seriously talking, for the past five or so years, about where we want to settle down, after we finish our big travel adventures. We need mountains for Mike and beaches for me.
We considered the following -

US West Coast, the water is too cold for me and too many earthquakes and fires.

US New England area, too hot in summer and too cold in winter.

Colorado, too cold and no beaches.

US Gulf Coast, no big mountains and too many hurricanes.

Mexico, Western Riviera, too much crime and too hot in summer.

Puerto Rico, too many hurricanes.

Hawaii, too far away from everything for Mike.

Bahamas, way too many hurricanes.

Panama, hmmmmmm
I fell in love with Panama the very first time I visited, and continue to fall in love with this wonderful country each time I visit.
• No serious natural disasters
• Inexpensive
• The people are so sweet
• The beaches temperature stay around 80°
• The mountains temperature stays around 70°
• Caribbean Coast has San Blas with gorgeous, blue water, and the hippie, surfer town of Bocas De Toro
• Major international, metropolitan city
• Mike's Dad and extended family are here
So, we came to Panama to check things out, and we did a thing!!!
We bought our paradise condo! We welcome our beautiful home, Bella Vista into our adventure portfolio. Yay! We will return to Panama in a few months to finalize everything and decorate our oasis. I will keep you posted on when we will start having guests visit us, and rental opportunities while we're traveling. Super Duper Happy Dance!!!