As we age, we all expect to notice changes in the way we look and feel. I have really been seeing some changes since I’ve been traveling a bunch, especially in cold, drier climates.
Once we enter our late twenties, our body starts to change and we begin to see fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and digestion issues, etc. You get the picture, we can fall apart if we don’t take control.
Now, I am in no way a doctor or play one on TV, this is just my findings. Do you own research and talk to your doctor before making any changes.
Collagen is a protein made up of long chains of linked amino acids. It’s the most abundant source of protein in our bodies. It is like the glue that provides strength and structure for our connective tissues and is essential to the function of:
Blood vessels
Digestive system.
Our body produces all of our collagen naturally until our early twenties, when it begins to slowly wane. So the creaking, popping joints, aging skin and digestive issues aren’t necessarily simply a factor of age, they’re actually associated with diminishing collagen levels.
Collagen is a key ingredient for the health and maintenance of our skin, joints and gut. It also helps with energy levels, mood and appetite. When there is enough collagen, our body is working to rejuvenate our skin, tissues and joints. When it’s not, we quickly notice the effects in the way we look and and feel. By supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen also called collagen peptides, we can restore collagen levels in the body. Resulting in the ultimate health boost.
Increases Skin Elasticity
By replenishing the connective tissues, skin maintains its ability to stretch structurally without remaining slack. Our body uses collagen to rejuvenate this structure, giving our skin the ability to ‘bounce back’. This will allow skin to look and feel firm. This firmness, or plumpness, contributes to the visible reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. I also use the gel on my face and neck for added benefit.
Reduces Appearance of Cellulite
Genetics plays a big role in the onset of cellulite and stretch marks. I have always had pretty bad cellulite, but thankfully it is less visible. I am actually wearing shorts as much as I can. As collagen levels drop, skin becomes thinner. This causes the appearance of cellulite to become more dramatic. Skin with a healthy amount of collagen has a firm structure and cellulite is diminished a bit.
Manages Inflammation
Inflammation occurs naturally in your body. But when it goes wrong or goes on too long, it can trigger disease processes. Chronic inflammation plays a role in almost every major disease, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even depression. Glycine is one of the key amino acids in collagen supplements and it helps to reduce inflammation. I have chronic inflammation and try to control it with anti-inflammatory food but I find that the collagen helps a bit.
Common symptoms of chronic inflammation include:
Mouth sores
Abdominal pain
Chest pain
Increased Energy Levels
I have hypothyroidism that reduces my energy level. I’m allergic to Synthroid so I take Armour, a natural thyroid medicine. Armour is not even half as strong as Synthroid so I'm still pretty tired. However, glycine in the collagen helps to boost metabolism and energy levels so I take to help me be a little more perky.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism are:
Increased sensitivity to cold
Dry skin
Weight gain
Puffy face
Muscle weakness
Elevated blood cholesterol level
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
Thinning hair
Slowed heart rate
Impaired memory
Enlarged thyroid gland
Hair Growth
Collagen greatly helps in hair growth and hair regeneration by fighting free radicals. Oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs, so these atoms, called free radicals, scavenge the body to seek out other electrons so they can become a pair. This causes damage to cells, proteins and DNA. Free radicals are responsible for damaging the hair follicles, leading to hair loss. But having a sufficient amount of collagen in the hair shaft, strengthens the hair follicles and improves hair growth. Hypothyroidism has done a number on my hair. It's dry and falling out so I take the collagen pill and put the collagen gel on my hair to help with hair growth and to help improve the overall volume of my hair.