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Practicing the Law of Attraction
Mike and I practice the Law of Attraction, which is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is the Law of...
My Journey From Western Medicine to Herbs For Hashimoto's
Hi, Jacqui here. I've been on Armour for Hashimoto Hypothyroidism for ten years. We are about to take start traveling around the world...
Music Medicine Theory
Hi Jacqui here, and I stumbled across this information about Music Medicine by Dr. Lee Partel that has studied and found that music, or...
Beautiful, Healthy Skin in Any Environment
Hi there, it's Jacqui. Mike and I have been traveling for six years. Can you believe it? I love it and the gorgeous destinations, but...
Change Is Inevitable, Growth Is An Option
I posted this on Facebook too my frogs and i just wanted to add it to my blog because this really moved me and got the juice flowing. I...
Live Your Best Life
Hi Jacqui here! We are all unique souls, so living our best life is exclusive to each one of us. Our best life will reflect our true...
Why I Love Planet Fitness
Hi I'm Jacqui! Mike and I have been traveling perpetually for the last 6 years. I love Planet Fitness because they are nearly every...
Benefits of Kombucha
Benefits of Kombucha
When Angels Come Into Our Lives
Sometimes, when we need it the most, angels come into our lives. They may be a person or an animal. Just someone to comfort us when we...
The Courage To Change Your Life
We all want to be successful and have great a great life. Yet most of us simply haven’t created the successful life we want. What exactly...
I have fallen in love with Zumba! Zumba is a great full-body workout that increases strength and cardiovascular fitness, aids in weight...
How To Build Confidence
Confidence is imperative to having a beautiful, fulfilling, and happy life. I was at a very low point in my life in my early twenties due...
The Importance Of The Pineal Gland
The Pineal gland is a tiny pea-sized, pine cone shaped, gland that resides in the center of our brains and holds the secrets to spiritual...
Black Cohosh For Hot Flashes
I recently started getting hot flashes a month or so ago and whoa, they started getting bad and more frequent. I asked the health food...
My Blood Pressure is 127/92. What Does This Mean?
Hypertension Stage 1. It is the lowest form of high blood pressure. A blood pressure on hypertension stage 1 for a longer period of time...
Benefits of Yogurt
I'm getting my heart healthy and yogurt is one way to help keep the body healthy. Here are the most important yogurt benefits. Yogurt is...
Naturally Remove Calcium And Plaque From Arteries
I'm at the age that when I talk with friends, the conversation always turns to health. Yuck! I miss the days that I could eat anything...
Resistance Bands for Exercise
I'm working on toning up my muscles and the best way for me to do that when I can't get to the gym is Resistance Bands.
Benefits of Yoga
Benefits of Yoga and Why I Love It
Going Frome Broken To Blissful Chakras Cleanse
Hi Jacqui here, thank for visiting. I love to clenase the energy in my body and to feel happy and alive. I did my last chakras cleanse...
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