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McKay's Irish pub, Daytona Beach FL
Mike and I love McKay's Irish Pub. It's walking distance from the marina and the food, beer, drink specials, food specials, and...

Halifax Harbor Marina Christmas Party, Daytona Beach, Florida 2021
What a fun weekend! I feel like life is starting to get back to normal. I still can't listen to Christmas music, because it reminds me of...

Daytona Beach Florida 2021 Christmas Celebration
A beautiful 2021 Christmas Celebration with our new boat friends Paulo and Vivian. It's always great to meet new friends and create new...

Anchored near Daytona Beach, Florida in Summer
Daytona Beach was good to us! We were anchored in the ICW or Intercoastal Water Way right near Daytona Beach. We took the dingy to...

Daytona Beach, Florida, Summer Concerts
Mike and I were staying on Yinsanity, and docked at Halifax Harbor Marina in Daytona Bleach during the summer. We found out that the...

Halifax Harbor Marina, Daytona Beach FL
Mike and I moved into Yinsanity at Halifax Harbor Marina in Daytona Beach. This was such a great experience buying a catamaran, fixing...

Valentine's Day on Yinsanity
February 14, 2019 Mike and I were docked at Halifax Harbor Marina in Daytona Beach FL and we had the most beautiful sunset for our...

We Bought A Catamaran, Yinsanity Becomes A Reality
We bought Yinsanity, 1992 Solaris, Sunset Halifax Harbor Marina, Daytona Beach, Florida

No One Goes to Daytona Beach When It's Cold
We seemed to be one of the very few people visiting Daytona Beach, Florida in the winter time. We were amazed that they let people drive...
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