Sanskrit Name - Ajna
Need - To perceive
Main Focus - Clear perspective and psychic abilities
Location - The the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows
Color - Indigo
Element - Light
Sense - Intuition
Food Type - Purple
Meaning -
Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life.
When most people talk about unhealthy third eye chakra, they’re referring to “blocked” or deficient chakras that restrict energy flow but they can also have too much energy and become overactive. The best way to tell if you need a sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations.
The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. According to yogic philosophy, the third eye is connected to duality which is a type of perception that opposes reality and is created solely by the mind. Once the third eye chakra is in harmony with the rest of the chakras, it is said that a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.
Sustaining awareness of third eye chakra energy might require focus and the ability to relax into a different way of seeing. When we focus our mind and consciousness, we can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before us and have more insight to live and create more deeply aligned with our highest good.
Balanced -
When you have a clear and harmonious third eye chakra, you are calm, self-aware, and possess foresight. You are not controlled or limited by the mind, and you find it easy to distinguish truth from illusion. You will also be much more insightful and understanding of yourself, other people, and life in general. Intuition will flow effortlessly to you as you make wise decisions that are grounded in reality, not fantasy.
Once you have opened and balanced your third eye, you will also find it easier to be objective and less fixated on your limited beliefs. As a result, life will take on a more fluid and vibrant quality which will help you to be more creative and spontaneous. You will be able to see life from a bird’s eye view which will give you wisdom and compassion.
Unbalanced -
An imbalance in the third eye chakra you become overly logical, overly emotional or absorbed by the details and struggle to see the “bigger picture”.
Questions To Ask Yourself -
Do you rarely feel creative or inspired by anything?
Do you ignore listening to your intuition?
Do you often get lost in your thoughts?
Are your interactions with other people are very trivial or superficial?
Do you have rigid opinions about the world that you aren’t willing to change?
Seed Sound -
Chant “OM”
This sound matches the vibration of the solar plexus chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “Oooooooommmmmmmmm.”
Eat fruits -
Eat prunes, dates, blackberries, blueberries, figs, raisins, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple kale, purple carrots, and purple potatoes.
Stones -
Use crystals as energetic totems that will help you balance your third eye chakra energy. Try meditating or carrying crystals such as shungite, sapphire, lapis lazuli, kyanite, labradorite, and amethyst.
Clothes -
Wear Indigo
Essential Oils -
Use oils such as patchouli, frankincense, clary sage, sandalwood, juniper, and vetiver.
Affirmations -
Open your third eye chakra by repeating meaningful phrases that reprogram the unconscious mind. Choose an affirmation such as, “I create my reality,” “I trust my intuition,” “I see with clarity,” “I connect with the wisdom of the universe,” “It is safe for me to see the truth,” “I trust in myself,” “My mind and heart are in perfect balance.”
Binaural beats are a form of music healing therapy which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. YouTube has a great variety of binaural beats videos. Listen with headsets.
Explore different perspectives and viewpoints
A blocked third eye chakra is associated with being rigid and closed-minded. To overcome this, try reading books, watching new programs or experimenting with activities outside of your comfort zone. Even if it feels a little weird at first, try to be curious about other perspectives and ways of life.
Decalcify your pineal gland
Your pineal gland is a tiny pea-shaped mass within the brain that is linked to third eye chakra. While the pineal gland is responsible for regulating our sleep cycles and reproductive hormones, it also has more mystical roots. Many ancient cultures such as the ancient Tibetan, Egyptian, and Chinese believed that the pineal gland is responsible for spiritual consciousness, creativity, and independence. To decalcify your pineal gland avoid products and water sources that contain fluoride. Drink citric juices such as grapefruit juice, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice.
Practice mindfulness
Our third eye functions the best when it is grounded in reality. Otherwise, we get lost in fantasy and delusion very easily. Practice being present with whatever arises in your daily life.
Get out into the sunlight
The element of the third eye chakra is light, your mind will become much clearer if you get outside a bit more.Light awakens the pineal gland which improves the function of the third eye.
Explore your limiting beliefs
Core beliefs are the central convictions we have about ourselves which cause us to feel fear, insecurity, and self-loathing. Common core beliefs include “I am not worth it,” “I’m a bad person,” and “I deserve to be punished.” Uncover your hidden core beliefs and practice daily affirmations.
Pay attention to your dreams
Your dreams are symbolic in nature and express your unconscious fears, desires, and needs. The third eye is responsible for helping you to interpret your dreams, so practice writing down your dreams each morning and look them up in an online dream dictionary. Dream dictionaries cannot provide you with the precise meanings but it will help you find the important lessons and messages that are conveyed within the dream world.
Harmonize your energy with yoga
Best suited to: deficient and excessive blockages
Balance your third eye chakra by doing yoga stretches such as standing forward bend, dolphin pose, child’s pose, and head-to-knee pose .
Find your happiness
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