Sanskrit Name - Manipura
Need - To act
Main Focus - Power and identity
Location - Six inches above your belly button within your diaphragm
Color - Yellow
Element - Fire
Sense - Sight
Food Type - Carbohydrates
Meaning -
Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life.
When most people talk about unhealthy solar plexus chakras, they’re referring to “blocked” or deficient chakras that restrict energy flow but they can also have too much energy and become overactive. The best way to tell if you need a sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations.
The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is the center of our willpower, self-esteem, and energy of transformation. This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with action, intention, identity, and vitality.
Balanced -
A healthy solar plexus chakra allows you to know yourself and live with confidence and strength. Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra will be able to set boundaries and be assertive without being aggressive. It allows you to know yourself, judging yourself and others fairly but not critically. When you have a clear, strong and harmonious solar plexus chakra, you will firstly feel confident in yourself. You will no longer struggle with self-doubt or aggressive egotism, but instead, you’ll feel comfortable in your own skin and you’ll trust in your abilities. You’ll come to understand that you have the power of choice.
Unbalanced -
An imbalance in the third chakra can cause many problems for physical health and it is closely tied to digestive health. It is associated with ulcers, poor digestion, gas, nausea hypoglycemia, diabetes, asthma and other respiratory problems,liver and kidneys issues, Nerve pain and fibromyalgia
Questions To Ask Yourself -
Do you have low self-esteem?
Do you feel you have an inability to set or maintain boundaries?
Do you have a lack of self-control?
Do you have depression or anxiety?
Do you tend to be a bully or overly dominating around others?
Do you feel insecure and unassertive?
Do you tend to form co-dependent relationships with others?
Healing Our Solar Plexus Chakra
Seed Sound -
Chant “RAM”
This sound matches the vibration of the solar plexus chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “raaaaaammmmmmmmm.”
Eat carbohyrates -
Eat whole grains such as rice, oats, spelt, and rye which are all great for digestion. Try including more legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Add spices like turmeric, ginger, cumin, and cinnamon. Also include yellow fruit and vegetables such as lemons, bananas, corn and pineapple.
Stones -
Use crystals as energetic totems that will help you harmonize your energy. Try meditating or carrying crystals such as amber, topaz, citrine, tiger’s eye, and yellow calcite.
Clothes -
Wear yellow
Essential Oils -
Use oils such as black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, cypress, clove, and sandalwood.
Affirmations -
Reclaim your personal power by repeating the following affirmations: “I can,” “I will,” “I have the power to decide,” “I am strong and courageous,” “I embrace my strength,” “I love the person I am,” “I stand up for myself,” “I am responsible for my life,” “I am worthy of love and kindness,” “I am whole.”
Let go of unhealthy attachments -
Unhealthy attachments are tremendous sources of energy loss and are often responsible for solar plexus blockages and energy stagnation. Attachments can be emotional, mental, and also physical. We can become attached to ideals, beliefs, memories, expectations, desires, fears, people, places, objects, and substances. Attachments are essentially forms of energy that become “stuck” in our bodies and minds. The best way to break an unhealthy attachment is by asking yourself, “Is this attachment serving my highest good?” The moment you can acknowledge that something in your life is detrimental is the point when you can begin the process of recovery. Letting go is about learning how to take care of yourself and find inner stability.
Binaural beats are a form of music healing therapy which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. YouTube has a great variety of binaural beats videos. Listen with headsets.
Take care of yourself -
Healthy self-esteem is one of the cornerstones of a balanced solar plexus chakra. When you take care of your body and psychological health, your energy instantly becomes harmonized. Think about what areas of your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health you have been neglecting. Otherwise, consider what is causing you the most pain in your life, and target that! Taking care of yourself is a form of self-love and respect.
Do targeted yoga -
For opening the solar plexus, try yoga poses such as the bow pose, upward dog, full wheel pose, and the breath of fire. Please note that when you try these yoga poses, you may experience waves of emotional energy. Don’t worry; this energy is just being released as part of the clearing process.
Setting goals -
Overcome lethargy by making a list of ten things you would like to accomplish, and dedicate yourself to completing those things. By setting clear goals, you will be able to exercise your willpower more easily.
Stop being the “victim” -
One of the most damaging mindsets carried by those with blocked solar plexus chakras is the notion that they are “powerless” and defenseless victims of life. If you carry this mentality, it will manifest as the tendency to blame other people for your unhappiness. You might also find yourself constantly sacrificing your needs for others who don’t always appreciate your efforts.
Learn to say “no.” Playing the victim is so attractive because it allows us to remove self-responsibility. It will be scary to reclaiming your power. It takes practice and courage and you can do it.
Get out in the sun more
As the solar plexus chakra is represented by the element of fire, the sun is an immensely healing source of vitality. In fact, the less vitamin D you have in your life, the more prone you are to issues such as anxiety and depression. Taking a simple morning walk in the sunshine, or even relaxing in the afternoon sun is a powerful practice for the solar plexus chakra.
Release any anger you store inside
Try releasing your anger in a healthy way such as through vigorous exercise, punching, kickboxing, dancing, singing, writing, crying or expressing it through art.
Cut ties with critical and negative people
If you can’t cut ties permanently with belittling and critical people, try your best to keep a distance from them. You’ll benefit from supportive people who will encourage you to grow. It is up to you to decide who stays and goes in your life. If someone is frequently discrediting, underrating, or bad-mouthing you, take steps to remove them from your life.
Break out of routine and take a risk
Lethargic and “safe” routines only tend to perpetuate our feelings of powerlessness so try something new. Step outside of your routine and go exploring.Try a new restaurant, or a road trip. Even small breaks in routine will infuse you with energy and vitality. One small change can give you the motivation and renewed energy you need.
Find your happiness