Sanskrit Name - Svadhisthana
Need - To feel
Main Focus - Center of our emotional, creative, and sexual energy
Location - Three inches below your belly button above our genitals
Color - Orange
Element - Water
Sense - Pleasure
Food Type - Orange Foods
Meaning -
Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life.
When most people talk about unhealthy root chakras, they’re referring to “blocked” or deficient chakras that restrict energy flow but they can also have too much energy and become overactive. The best way to tell if you need a sacral chakra healing is to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, actions and physical sensations.
The second chakra, the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is associated with the psychological and behavioral functions of emotions, relationships, expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure, creativity and fantasies. The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. It’s particularly active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and sexual desires.
Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life through the senses, whether it’s auditory, through taste, touch, or sight. Opening your sacral chakra allows you to “feel” the world around and in us. As such, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of our feeling of well-being.
Balanced -
When you have a clear, strong and harmonious sacral chakra, you will firstly feel comfortable in your skin. You will no longer struggle with sexual guilt or indulgence, but you’ll come to honor your sacred sexuality and enjoy it in a balanced way. Not only will you enjoy the pleasures of life, but you will be open to experiencing life and your passion for it. You’ll be both emotionally open but also emotionally grounded with healthy boundaries. Not only that, but you’ll get back your creative flow once again, and you’ll enjoy the spontaneity of life.
Unbalanced -
If you have a deficient sacral chakra, you will be more prone to issues such as addiction to anything that brings pleasure such as food, gambling, sex, work, alcohol, drugs, compulsive buying. You may feel emotionally numb or cold, You may be sexually needs are out of balance.. An unbalanced sacral chakra causes lower back, kidney or stomach disorders.
Questions To Ask Yourself -
Are you extremely emotionally reactive?
Do you feel emotionally numb or cold?
Do you jump at loud sounds or become anxious?
Do you feel sexually frigid with a low libido?
Do you feel you are sexually impulsive?
Do you have a hard time handling spontaneity or uncertainty?
Do you feel inhibited and repressed from expressing your true feelings?
Healing Our Sacral Chakra
Seed Sound -
Chant “VAM”
This sound matches the vibration of the sacral chakra. Try drawing out the letters into sounds, such as “vaaaaaammmmmmmmm.”
Eat orange foods -
Oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, peaches, apricots, mangoes, papayas, pumpkin and mandarins
Stones -
Use sacral chakra crystals such as carnelian, orange calcite, jasper, and moonstone.
Clothes -
Wear orange
Essential Oils -
Use oils such as ginger, orange, jasmine, neroli, rosewood, and bergamot.
Affirmations -
What you think is what you manifest. Support your sacral chakra healing by repeating the following affirmations with sincerity and open-heartedness, “I allow myself to feel my emotions,” “I create healthy boundaries,” “I embrace my inner passion,” “I value and respect my body,” “My sexuality is sacred,” “I release my inner emotions creatively.”
Explore the cause of your addictions -
Addictions are a way for us to cope with our reality and fill empty holes in our lives. In a journal or with a friend or therapist, explore why you are addicted to something. Ask questions such as “What place was I at in my life when I started getting addicted to this?” “What do I feel this addiction brings me?” “What is this addiction trying to hide about who I believe I am?” If you’re suffering from a serious addiction, make sure you schedule an appointment with an addiction specialist.
Binaural beats are a form of music healing therapy which helps to activate and clear all the chakras through alternating sound waves. YouTube has a great variety of binaural beats videos. Listen with headsets.
Emotional catharsis -
Open the energy channels within yourself by purging your emotions through catharsis. Try jumping, screaming, laughing, crying, or other physical forms of catharsis that release built up emotions.
Creative expression -
Pick an activity that you’re interested in such as sculpting, drawing, photography, quilting, jewelry making or cooking, and give it a go! Remember, art takes time, dedication, and practice. Don’t expect to be perfect at what you choose immediately! Think of what you would like to mentally or emotionally express, and paint, weave, build, tie or photograph those inner desires.
Do targeted yoga -
Stretch your body using the simple yoga poses
Cobra, butterfly, camel, goddess, reverse warrior, and pigeon poses.
Identify your sexual blockages -
What beliefs, ideals, and prejudices towards sexuality were you taught as a child? You might like to write these blockages down or speak about them with a good friend or counselor. Once you identify these blockages, you can then proceed to deconstruct them.
Sexually creative -
If you have a partner, explore different creative forms of sexuality. For example, discover what fetishes or sexual positions you’d both like to try out together to spice up the bedroom. If you’re single, explore different creative forms of self-pleasure. If blockages such as guilt or shame arise, question them.
Spontaneity -
Give yourself the permission to do something that you wouldn’t usually do. Break the cycle of rigid and uncreative living! For example, watch a movie you’d never watch, travel to a place you’d never thought possible, take up a wacky new craft, you name it!
Daily Guide