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Day 10 Solar Plexus Chakra Cleanse

Good morning!

Welcome to Day 10 of our Solar Plexus Chakra cleanse.

A healthy solar plexus chakra controls our identity and allows us to know ourselves so we can live with confidence and strength. With a balanced solar plexus chakra, we will be able to set boundaries and be assertive without being aggressive. It allows us to judge ourselves and others fairly but not critically. We will feel confident and not struggle with self-doubt or aggressive egotism, but instead, feel comfortable in our own skin and trust in our abilities. We’ll come to understand that we have the power of choice.

Our Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance if we have low self-esteem,

Have difficulty maintaining self-control, have depression, anxiety, or feel insecure and unassertive.

Each of us have 7 Chakras and when balanced they work together to create an optimal life. If you would like to know more, here’s the info on the Daily Guide and What Are CHAKRAS.

If you would like to join me in cleaning my chakras, I would love it!

Today we want to focus on Goals.

Goals big and small can be the stepping-stones to a happier life and the way we set them can make a difference to achieving them. We’re going to keep this small and simple so we can learn how to set and achieve goals. Once we achieve a goal, we can move on to the bigger, life changing goals.

1. Achieve a goal today

  1. What do we want to do? Look around the house, car or ourself. What have we been wanting to do but never get around to it. Let’s do it today.

  2. What do we need to do to achieve this goal? Who will need to assist us?

  3. Write the goal down. For example, clean the refrigerator, or get hair done, or organize the closet, etc.

  4. Set a deadline for what time we want to finished with the goal. Example. Clean the refrigerator before 5 PM today.

  5. Set up reward for completing goal and celebrate once the goal is completed!

We still want to use meditation, yoga pose, food and an affirmation because this awakens and strengthens our chakra. We need all the help that we can get.

2. Meditation:

Here’s an app for Insight Timer Meditation

Here is the YouTube video for Binaural beats to use with earphones.

Meditate for as long as you would like and it's even better if you are out in nature feeling the grass and trees around to ground you.

Close your eyes and feel the earth beneath you. Inhale taking in fresh nourishing energy, exhale releasing all of the things that no longer serve you or help you move forward.

Sit with your shoulders back and your spine straight. Try to relax all your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose, pulling the breath as far down into your body as you can, and exhale through the mouth.

Chant RAM while meditating


3. Food: Yellow and Carbohydrates

A healthy Solar Plexus chakra vibrates at the color YELLOW. Incorporate whole grains like: oats, spelt, rice, rye, bananas, corn, pineapple, yellow squash, chamomile and lemons.

4. Yoga pose: Plank Pose

With exercise, sometimes the simplest of movements result in the greatest gains and this is certainly the case with the plank pose. To do a plank, you hold your body off the ground, making sure to hold it in a straight line.

If you’ve never tried one, a plank may look easy, almost too easy to be beneficial, but this is deceiving. While getting into the proper form is straightforward, holding the position takes strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and improves balance.

If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.

  1. Plant the hands directly under the shoulders, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, like you’re about to do a push-up.

  2. Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze the glutes to stabilize the body. Your legs should be working in the move too; careful not to lock or hyperextend your knees.

  3. Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond the hands. Your head should be in line with your back.

  4. Hold the position for 20 seconds. As you get more comfortable with the move, hold your plank for as long as possible without compromising form or breath.

5. Affirmation: “I am responsible for my life.”

When you state an affirmation you are stating a truth. Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmation, automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind, which could inspire, energize and motivate.

Repeat all day long and if you look in the mirror while stating this, even better!

Broken To Blissful Diary

What did you accomplish today to make your life better?

What are you feeling right now? This is just for your heart and soul.

Let me know if you have any questions

Daily Guide


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