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Day 1 Healing The Root Chakra

Good morning!

If you would like to join me in cleaning my chakras this month, I would love it!

There are seven chakras that are in the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through us. This week we will focus on cleaning the Root Chakra.

The Muladhara or Root Chakra is the first chakra. It's located at the base of the spine and is associated with security, safety, basic survival needs such as food, sleep, shelter, and self-preservation.

You may notice it out of balance if you jump at noises, have bad dreams, experience lower back pain, etc. The color is red so focus a warm, red healing, light energy on the base of your spine while doing meditation or yoga and wear red if you can.

Today we're going to focus on a meditation, yoga pose, food and an affirmation.


There are several apps and videos for guided meditation, zen music, bowls or binaural beats. You pick your favorite to meditate to.

A friend introduced me to the App Insight Timer which has a great many options. It's amazing!

My favorite is binaural beats because it's very difficult for me to calm my mind long enough to meditate and find peace. Binaural Beats puts my brain in a meditation state quickly.

Here's a link if you want to try it. Make sure you wear earphones.

Meditate for as long as you would like and it's even better if you are out in nature feeling the grass and trees around to ground you.

Close your eyes and feel the earth beneath you. Inhale taking in fresh nourishing energy, exhale releasing all of the things that no longer serve you or help you move forward. Sit with your shoulders back and your spine straight. Try to relax all your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through the nose, pulling the breath as far down into your body as you can, and exhale through the mouth. Turn your attention to the location of the root chakra, right below your tailbone.

While meditating chant LAM


Focus a red, warm healing,light at the end of your spine.


A healthy root chakra vibrates at the color red. Therefore, red foods provide the vibration needed to help balance the root chakra. Nutritionally, red foods usually have high levels of vitamin C–a nutrient utilized by several body parts that the root chakra oversees, like bones, teeth, skin and adrenals. Some red foods you could try are tomatoes, strawberries, apples, pomegranates, cherries, red beans, potatoes, etc. These are all grounding foods so incorporate them into your meals this week.

Yoga pose:

Focus on Child Pose

Placing your head with third eye, the spot between your eyebrows, down on the mat has an instant calming and soothing effect. The inward fold of the body sends a signal to your brain that you’re safe, and that it’s OK to rest. Keep your knees closer together, so that your belly is resting on your thighs, is a great way to massage the internal organs, elongate the spine and open the hips to eliminate stored tension.


Wherever I am, I am safe and secure.

When you state an affirmation you are stating a truth. Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind. The words composing the affirmation, automatically and involuntarily, bring up related mental images into the mind, which could inspire, energize and motivate.

Repeat all day long and if you look in the mirror while stating this, even better!

Broken To Blissful Diary

What did you accomplish today to make your life better?



What are you feeling right now? This is just for your heart and soul.





Let me know if you have any questions

Daily Guide


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